Tribute to the late actor, Bill Paxton

Event Date

Feb 03, 2022

Tribute to the late actor, Bill Paxton

4 + 1 of LKN's finest and YHC showed up in the dark and damp gloom to see what lay in store for them today.  Someone once said we set our alarm clocks for early in the morning because someone needs us.  So I went out into the gloom to see who needed to get 50 Jack Knife LBC's in before work.  Ultraman and Diehard were the frist to show, ready and willing.  Hot Wax rolled in just as we were discussing going for coffee instead.  Then Jorel showed up 1 minute late, but close enough for gub'ment work.  Enron did a fly-by at the start and finish of our workout while running 5 miles, so he gets the credit too.  Feel free to take up any grievances with that with Blackbeard, since he wasn't there.  


Chevy Chase, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, ISTs, and Windmills to get us going.  


Mosey over to the cul de sac behind the soccer field for the first Trivia Question.  Right answer is 10 Jack Knife LBCs, the wrong answer is 5 Burpees. 

Who was the only actor to be killed by an Alien, a Predator, a Terminator? (As well as dead by the end of six other films). Well, Bil Paxton of course.  The PAX now know the focus of today's trivia, but they got it wrong, so 5 x Burpees. 

Mosey over to the first intersection for the next question: 

Since we are in the gloom at odd hours: What film did BP say: “We keep odd hours” – Severen, Near Dark.  This is a tough one, and one of his early films.  Check it out if you like vampire movies. 5 Burpees for the PAX 

Mosey over to Queen's Corner for the next question.  And since it is still at night in the dark: 

"Nice night for a walk, eh?" and, "I think this guy's a couple cans short of a six-pack". Johnny, The Terminator.  The PAX get this one wrong as well, so 5x burpees.  One of BP's early films, and he was only alive for a few minutes, so there is that. 

Mosey up to the Weight Room, grab a rock, Zamperini over the Pain Clock with rocks. 

What went down next was assorted rock exercises with trivia interspersed with mosey laps around the pain clock, Including The Colt 45, Overhead press, Skull Krushers, Chest Press, Upright Row, Bent over row, Squats, 8 Count Burners, and another set of Full Curls as well as enough Jack Knife LBCs to get all 50.  The questions were: 

Master Sergeant Farell: I see everyone is having a productive morning. You know it gives me a swell of pride knowing soldiers of your… caliber will be leading the charge tomorrow. Tip of the spear. Edge of the knife. Crack of my… ass.

And “Remember, there is no courage without fear.”

And “Through readiness and discipline, we are the masters of our fate.”

And “Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.”  All from Master Sergeant Farell from Edge of Tomorrow.  Pax get it wrong, 5 burpees. 

Next up is

"That’s it, man, game over, man, game over!” And “Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen” and “Well let’s put her in charge!” And “Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!” – All from Private Hudson, Aliens. 5 Burpees 

Next up, all the Pax look up at the stars… oh wait, total overcast… 

“Look at all the stars. You look up and you think, "God made all this and He remembered to make a little speck like me". It's kind of flattering, really.” Morgan Earp – Tombstone.  5 Burpees. 

Next up is

“How 'bout a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?” – Chet, Weird Science.  Ultraman gets this one right!  30x Jack Knife LBC's for all. 

Next up is

“Intelligence doesn't threaten me. Stupidity does.” – Vertical Limit.  5 Burpees. 

We put the rocks back and. mosey down to Queen's Corner.  Good quote for the Minivan Centurions: 

“When I was still just a kid, I remember my father telling me what he thought that it took for a man to be happy. Simple things, really. A wife he loves, a decent job, friends and neighbors who like and respect him. And for a while there, without hardly even realizing it, I had all that. I was a happy man.” – Hank, A Simple Plan. 5 Burpees. 

Mosey back to the Whoville tree for the final quote: 

“I'm not questioning your bravery. The question is: what about their lives? You and Mr. Emmett are good friends. You went to the Academy together. Would you be willing to sacrifice his life? Or what about some of the younger enlisted men? I know a lot of those guys look up to you like a big brother. You willing to lay their lives on the line?” – LCDR Dahlgren, U-571.  Pax finish the burpees before YHC even gets done reading it.  Nice work.  


15x LBCs 

Recover, Recover

Soggy Moleskin

Good times were had by all.  YHC didn't have any Twister or Big Love quotes in there, but we did cover a bit of his career.  Hope that the trivia made it interesting and kept everyone's mind off the cold and damp.  

Prayers going up to Ultraman, Jorel, and YHC's mom and all they have going on, as well as Toxic while he is under the wx.  

Thanks to Amen for the chance to lead.  Until next time in the gloom…

TG sends,