Tribute to TickTock

Event Date

Jan 23, 2021


The last couple weeks have been tough for the PAX in RaceCity. We've had a PAX member (Brushless) lose a brother and TickTock unexpectedly lost his wife. YHC and Crack decided to Q a workout that would honor TickTock and his family.

It was 6:50AM at Stumpy Creek when the cars poured in. It was like the scene of 'Field of Dreams'.  YHC and Crack realized we need to have a slight audible and divide up the PAX.

This was a difficult Q for YHC.  I wanted to do something different to honor TickTock.  We started out the workout by reading Psalm 23 and 1 Peter 5:10…these two scriptures have a couple of commonalities:  1) Life is hard and sucks sometimes 2) We have a God who is in the business of restoration.  I am very proud of the PAX and how they rallied during these trying times.  We were living out our faith being the hands and feet of Christ.  We can't do this Christian life by ourselves.  We need each other. We need to be reminded we are not alone. We need to ask for help sometimes. We are stronger together.  Life can change in an instant and I wanted to PAX to take this to heart and think about how one call, one text can change our lives.  The overall goal of this was to remind the PAX how fragile and precious life is…

69 PAX throughout the region experienced this beatdown and it went a little something like this:

Lear led us in the pledge

Each total rep represents a significant number for TickTock's family

SSH – 51 in cadence – Tricia's age when she passed
IST – 20 in cadence – TickTock and Tricia were together for 20 years
CCD – 18 in cadence – How long they were married
TickTock Merkins (Merkins on your fingertips or knuckles) – 17 in cadence – Age of TickTock's daughter Kaitlyn
Burpees – 15 in cadence – Age of TickTock's son Dillon

Count of by twos: #1's with Contra #2's with Crack

The exercises are:

51 Burpees – Tricia's age
121 Pullups – Total years (age of kids, how long they were together, married)
204 Merkins (Tricia's age x married in April (4)) (If you know TickTock, this math is very logical…)
300 Squats – Represents a partial number of fights TickTock was in and won

One PAX runs around the island in the parking lot while the other performs the exercise.



– Thank you to Swing State for helping get the word out for this convergence.
– The RC PAX appreciates all of your support and prayers during this time.
– Be more intentional with your family as we can take our families for granted.
– Give F3 away.  More guys out there need it.  

Thankful for the PAX,
