Trickle, Puddle, and Bear Crawls, Oh My!

[FNG-1 = Puddle, FNG-2 = Trickle]

12 men met for a sunrise play date at the playground.  Somewhere along the way, the pax has a choice and chooses bear crawls…..what!!… started like this:


  • 20x side straddle hops
  • 10x low country crabcakes
  • 15x mountain climbers
  • 10x imperial squat walkers
  • mosey back to the back for…

The Thang, part 1:

  • 12-course Meat Grinder.  20 step ups(timer), dips, hanging rows, decline merkins, zig zags, pull ups and 6 stations of blocks (pax choice curls, press, skull crusher, squats thrusters, etc)…
  • trail run
  • Meat Grinder repeato with 10 step ups as the timer

Mosey back to the front except do walking lunges from the front playground to the parking lot.

  • I heard some things about some people have shorter strides or something.  Remember, it's not the length of the stride that matters….

Indian Run up to the Front Yard.

The Thang, part 2:

  • anytime a car drives by, we will perform Monkey Humpers…it happened a lot this week…heh-heh
  • Upon reaching the Front Yard…good news = we are not going to do bear crawls up to the top.  bad news = SOMERSAULTS up to the top!!!!  #paxGroanInUnison #noImNotKidding
  • I started rolling up hill…stopping every 5 rolls or so to regain equilibrium…and realized that the pax was stuck between Mutiny and Disbelief.  I hear someone call out they would rater do bearcrawls, and other than LED, Puddle, and a few others (maybe?), everyone bear crawls up.  #1stEverPaxChoiceBearCrawls
  • Partner Suicide Fun:  A does suicides with 5 pushups at each….CAR!! Monkey Humpers!!…tree, B does crunches, flip flop
  • PSF 2: A does…CAR!!… suicides with 3 burpees at each tree, B does Freddy Mercuries
  • mosey over to The Island
  • CAR!!! some of us switch to Reverse Pickle Pounders….heh-heh
  • Now, back to our regularly scheduled program…Bear crawls over and down…Crawl bears back.  Plenty of frosty comments about hand placement and sliding and such

Indian Run back to the AO.  Dandelion starts trading paint on the way back and is barely nipped by Vortex at the end.  Theuss makes a valiant effort and was making up a ton of distance but just started on the wrong end of the Indian Run.

6 minutes of Mary:

  • 20x LBC
  • 20x Low Butterflys??? #QFail…I mean Low Flutters…thanks for the assist Vortex
  • 10x Reverse Toe Touchers  #CrowdPleasers
  • 38 seconds of the American Hammer (artist formerly known as Mason Twists)

Reflection:  James 1: 12 (Amplified)

  • "12 Blessed [happy, spiritually prosperous, favored by God] is the man who is steadfast under trial and perseveres when tempted; for when he has passed the test and been approved, he will receive the [victor’s] crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
  • Temptation is all around us fellas.  Fight against temptation.  Don't keep it to yourself; engage in discussion and accountability with your F3 bros or some other trusted friends.
  • Note that in Matthew 4, when Jesus was tempted by the devil, Jesus responded to all 3 temptations with Scripture that keep him focused and grounded.  It's a good lesson in keeping Scripture close to your heart during temptuous times.


  • Welcome aboard Damon.  Can't wait to hear more about your driving days.  Sounds like you were close to making it to the big race series.  That's super awesome.  In honor of your driving experience, we dub thee Trickle after real-life driver Dick Trickle, or after the Days of Thunder Cole Trickle…up to you depending on the day. 
  • Welcome aboard Derek.    Despite all the fun nicknames that a Browns fan might trigger, we stuck with your welding skills, and we dub thee Puddle.  It's not a good weld unless both metals are transformed to liquid and interconnect during cooling.  Remember, getting stronger almost always requires a little breakdown and re-structuring.
  • I loved seeing LED rock this work out.  Climbing across the monkey bars was my favorite part.  I was going to call it out for the whole pax, but didn't want to embarrass anyone.
  • 2.0's are always welcome.  Dad's, be prepared to help modify to fit the plan.
  • Chime in below with some of the other fun you guys had yesterday.

It was really an honor to lead this workout guys.  Thanks for making work outs fun.  Tons of laughter and general goofing off.  Love it.  Have a great week.

See ya soon in the gloom
