Tried to avoid Rocket, but instead only Blackbeard didn’t show – KBs at Cauldron

Event Date

Nov 22, 2019

Zampirini your kettle bells to the courtyard

Warmorama (SSHs, IST, mini arm circles/imaginary jump rope)


Jog around DPK, stop at Gilead – sidewalk w/ the line of trees/lightpoles


B-ball slide around the trees one end to the other. Catch the guy in front of u – or try.

Then back

Then again


To the quad


Sit-down squats: KB in hand, squat till your cheeks touch the concrete, then up.


Count off by 2s:  1s ont the bench, 2s Christian McCalf-raises (or apparently whatever you want)

Bench press x 30

Flies x 12


Repeato.  On the repeato, when not on the bench you're doing Monkey Humpers with the correct end facing the locals at the stoplight on Gilead/115.


Box jump with one-arm kettle bell press.  Up and over, alternating arms accordingly.  Squat on the up, and the down.


Skull crushers IC x 30

10 count

Repeato x 12 (burrrrrrrn)


Lawnmowers IC x 12

10 count



All the curls x 10 – low, high, full.  Shake it out, pax 5 count, repeato just the full curl x 12.


Shoulder press – actually, we didn't have time for this, but what's on the weinke stays on the weinke.


Partner KB pass on the benches “Balls2Balls KB pass” <NEW>


Over to the grass

I Surrenders x 10 each leg (borrowed from F3 Knoxville)


Mary (without a rope)


Welcome, Crablegs, who had his virgin KB workout today.  I'll always be your first, CL!

Rocket was a minute late after stopping at TCE (website-listed AO, but NOT what was tweetedin the #PB) first.  Man, how early would he have been had he studied for the test last night?

Frogger still attempts to bring up the topic of Indian porn but only during Cauldon workouts.  That's like 2 weird fetishes weirdly tied together…  But no mention of his bidde (sp?).

Ultraman, TopGun, Frogger and seems like one of the other pax were all nursing some kind of injury today and thus weren't running, or doing numerous other calf/leg exercises – mostly just whatever they wanted.  So realistically speaking, YHC only half-Qed today.

The locals of Hville got a good showing from F3 today, as our entire workout was right there at the intersection of Gilead and 115, featuring the monkey humpers and the newly discovered Balls2Balls Kettle Bell pass as 2 men stradle the contrete bench (right beside the road), ankles locked, legs spread like a working girl in Vegas on SuperBowl weekend and basically did situps passing the KB pack and forth.  Unfortunately, the F3Counts was 7 (odd #), so all YHC could do was bark directions.  Oh, and take video.

Been a month since YHC's last Q, which is far too long.  It changes your day when you start it off leading a group of these fine men.  It is inspiring, uplifting, energy-boosting and borderline arousing.

Wait – that may have all just been the feeling YHC got from the Merry Mint Latte at coffeteria after.  Either way, Blackbeard missed all of it.