Trifecta TriSquatYa

Event Date

Oct 26, 2019


Trifecta TriSquatYa


#FullDisclosure. Even though I announced 3 @SVU on “the Twitter”, today was a #SadClown Q.  I run and workout solo on the road a lot, so I was fine honestly. I decided to have some fun though. FNG2 was Wilson, my 33# concrete friend for most of the BEATdown(TM). FNG3 was the Holy Spirit, always with me no matter the situation.  Here’s what we did…


WarmUp: (x is in cadence)

20x SSH

20x windmills

20x dippy birds (10/side)

5×5 merkins around the clock

20x SSH


PLot fun: (all with mosey back)

High knees

Butt kickers

Side to side left

Side to side right



Go get a block. 

10 Trifecta

Return to PLot with block and run up big hill

10 TriSuatYa (lunge forward left, lunge forward right, deep squat)

Run with block to BV

10 Trifecta

Run with block to clubhouse

10 TriSuatYa

Run around trail

10 Trifecta

Run around trail

10 TriSuatYa

Run around trail

10 Trifecta

Run around trail (stopping halfway around for 10 TriSquatYa)

Pick up block and head back to AO, stopping a couple times for 10 more)


Run with block to rear playground. 

10 last Trifecta

Gladly put the block back. 


Run up LBH

10x reverse crunches

Run down


Repeat-o except stay at top

Run to Skippers cul de sac

20 merkins

Run to The Other cul de sac

20 merkins


Return to AO

Times Up / my digestive situation required a mosey home


And that’s all she wrote. Good times. Much running and nobody complained (aka Skipper wasn’t there). 


John 14: 25-26 

(Jesus speaking during Last Supper)

“I have told you these things while I am still with you. But the Holy Spirit (the Helper/Comforter/Advocate/Counselor), whom the Father will send in my place, He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.”

  • I’ll be the first to admit that the concept of the Trinity can be confusing. 3 separate but all three one. 
  • My aunt from AZ told me how they grafted a lemon branch, an orange branch, and a grapefruit branch together and grew it in their garden.  When the tree grew, each branch bore one of the three fruits. It was all three together but also one. 
  • When Jesus was teaching after his resurrection, He said that He had to go so that the Holy Spirit could come be with us and guide us.   
  • I feel like the power of and our need for the Holy Spirit is often understated. 
  • I challenge you to consider whether you are hearing the teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then, are you DOing what you are hearing?


Good day. Missed you guys but I’m tired. 


Such an honor to be part of this AO. 
