Triple the Station Fun

One shy of a clean baker's dozen gathered to see how smooth this early morning Hummer Q could be…..turns out, it was very smooth.  Problem was, it was meant to be a 'station' Q, so YHC served as the lone one out.  Simply said, we coulda used another.  

WamUps-Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke, kick steppers.

COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST 15, Veggies extraction procedures 10, Mericans 10, Wind Mills 10, 

Mozy to small wall-dips IC 12, head to parking pavers hop over and back =1 x 12.  Repeat 2x's, but leave off the last set of paver jumps due to unfettered complained about 'skiing excercises'

Mozy to Ferguson Kitchen, low and behold….toys to play with!!

Stations: Pace Setter(s) 1 man wips heavy rope 20/arm, other planks-switch and repeat.  WHEN these two finish, 'SWITCH' was yelled, move to next station: Peter Parkers w/balls to the wall, iron chair, knotted towel tug-o-war, burpees. and kettle bell swings. Each exercise was performed continuously until the rope/plankers yelled switch.  In between sets 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, another dozen side to side jumps over the parking curbs were added in for good measure.  The PAX dutifully carried back the bells, towel, and rope during the mozy back.  As such, we 'broke' for a bit in a parking lot 1/2 way back and popped off 15 little man in the woods and 5 reverse burpees (feet stay put, walk on arms to push-up position, do push-up, then arm walk back to stand, adding a jump, as is our custom).

Mozy to TrakScan (which is NO LONGER THERE, FTR).

Mary (IC)- W's 15, LBC's 15, Box Cutters 15, Cutter Boxes 15. Count off


-Great effort by the PAX and PUH-lease help me if you can remember other excercises in the first COP not included in the BB.

-Somewhat dissatisfied PAX commented, excessively, re: the side to side parking curb jumps….good.

-GREAT to see Tailhook at our Post, as we've missed each other at posts as of late. 

-The rope took a beating, and is now frayed quite a bit.  Any rope doctors in the PAX?

-Thanks kindly to the PAX for carrying the toys back to home base for the, too kind.

-An Indian Run back was Omaha'd, good call.

-Cupcake,  thanks for the chance to lead!