Trivia was a HIIT (or) Miss @ The Wilderness

Traveling trivia is back at The Wilderness for the fist round of 2017.  Suprisingly a good turnout for one of my Q's – 17 PAX plus YHC and an FNG (Welcome Hot Wheels) took to the stage for a little HIIT inspired trivia.  Three PAX hit the standard before hand (YHC, Calypso, Burner) – when I bring the Q, I care a lot about everyone's fitness both mind and body.  This being the first installment of 2017, YHC went with the "Easy" questions and let the PAX pick the category.  As predicted, the PAX selected sports/football as the category for the workout – what else do a bunch of guys end up talking about when they get together – needle point? 

So we moseyed to the round about, circled up to start the HIIT parade.  My HIIT parade consisted of 1:00 min of named exercise with some sprinting (mostly jogging by the PAX) and some trivia mixed in.  This is how it all went down, with this episode scheduled to air next Thursday night at 3:00am right after the "Brazilian Butt Lift" infomercial.  Here is out this episode unfolded…


Mosey to roundabout and semi-circle up

All exercises IC except where noted

SSH x 20

Seal Claps x 15

IST x 15

Cotton Pickers x 10

PAX Then gathered around for instructions – we attempted a continuous rep count and we selected the "smartest" PAX to keep the running count – thanks Burner


HIIT Workout – 1 min of some exercise followed by short rest (20-30 sec) or sprint, then trivia – if the PAX got the question right = -5 reps, wrong answers = +5 reps, with the net result collected at the end of the workout…then next 1 min exercise.  Repeato, repeato, etc.  Here are the exercises

The Burpee


Rest/Trivia – first question = incorrect +5 reps

Flutter Kicks

Rest (15 sec)



Rest/Question 2 – Incorrect


Rest (15 Sec)

Partner Leg Throws


Rest/Question 3 – Correct

Handshake Mericans


Big Baby Crunch


Rest/Question 4 – Correct


Rest (15 sec)

Elbow Plank 


Rest/Question 5 – Correct

Carolina DD

Mosey back to Basketball court – Time to pay up

Burpees OYO x 5

Recover, Recover


  • I believe the warmer weather brought out some nice numbers today, HIIT and trivia are better with friends.
  • Heard there was a ghost sighting of Chestnut – PAX were saying it had been a while. Welcome back and keep coming back
  • Mumblechatter was down somewhat today…might have been all the "sprinting".  I noticed lots of PAX were very fast down the hill, not so fast up the hill 🙂
  • Thanks to the Force for providing the opportunity to lead.  I had been slacking off lately so getting the Q makes sure that I crawl out of the fartsack…
  • This was Q #1 for me in 2017, 29 more to go to hit my goal.  So, I am throwing the 2017 Q Challenge out there to all PAX.  I challenge you to Q at least 30 times this calendar year – if you do, you will get a cool prize (to be named at a later time)

That is all for now…TBone