Five die-hard pax emerged from the fog and got to work at Bailey Road Park. Warm it up with a mosey around the soccer field mixing in some butt kickers and side shuffles.
COP:? Take cernter stage on the pavilion for COP.
- ?SSH x 30
- Windmill x 15
- Squat x 15
- Merkin / The W Combo: 5/10/15/10/5 (stolen from BagBoy)
- IST x 15
- Lunges x 15
- Burpees: 10 per minute for 10 minutes
Rest of Workout:? Mosey over to the hill by Wolfpack Playground. I know it has a name, can't remember it.
- ?Bottom of Hill – 10 rock curls IC
- Top of Hill – 2 Diamond Merkins IC
- 8/4, 6/6…..2/10
Shuffle on over to Wolfpack Playground.
- 5 dead hang pullups
- 10 dips
- 20 step ups
- repeato
- LBC x 30
- Windshield Wipers x 10
- Plank 1 min
- 10 minutes of burpees was a great warmup, in the week of the Outlaw it was only fitting.
- Ty Webb flies through burpees, I don't think even The Geek not standing all the way up was able ot keep up with him. YHC was usually the last one done.
- Good to have Callahan join us, always throws me off when he "likes" the preblast but never shows up.
- Billy Bob proving ot be the Ol' Faithful at True Grit, may need to make him the Master Q of this one.
An honor and privilege to be a part of this group