True Grit 12/26: Pepper your angus and prepare your pie

15 of NoCo's finest shook off the Christmas confections and posted up at 0600 for some fitness courtesy of your humble correspondent. The smell of pumpkin pie was in the air as the majority of PAX were posting early to clipboard the 0700 convergence.




Mosey down the parking lot to the far end. 

  • #Disclaimer
  • SSH x 25
  • Soybean farmers x 15
  • ISTs x 15
  • CDDs x 15
  • Squats x 10
  • Monkey humpers x 15

And some other stuff I was generally heckled for calling. 

That Thang you do

?Mosey to the track, stop and make friends with a non-travelling, rock.

  • Zamparini
  • Low curls x 10
  • Bent rows x 15
  • Squats x 10 
  • Shoulder presses x 15
  • Repeato 

Mosey over to the steps for a good ol fashioned ark-loader jamboree

  • Bunny hops
  • Gorilla walk
  • Bear Crawl

Stop at the top after crawls for 10 slow 'Mericans. Discuss FreePass' priors. Mosey to the school.

  • People's chair + touch dem heels x 20
  • BTTW for approx 45 sec
  • People's chair + Air press 50IC
  • BTTW for approx 45 sec

Mosey back to the playground, split up into 2 groups

  • Group 1 Mericans x 20
  • Group 2 Dips x 20
  • Flapjack

Mosey to the soccer field

  • Pair up on 1 of 3 benches
  • Carry to the end-zone
  • This has nothing to do with the 0700 workout, I swear


  • Some various abdominal exercises, YHC can't recall. 


Rumple Moleskin

  1. Having sufficiently snot-woggled myself during this workout, I attempte to recount this great homily about darkness and light for the prayer. I ended up pulling the Happy Gilmore rhyming scene towards the end,"Heywhdon'jusgeasomhaymakthingouoclaylabthbayjusmayWhat'ysay?" Realizing what was happening, I hit the abort button and ended the prayer. FreePass quickly called me out. #ISI
  2. 9-Lives was the only double-downer this morning. It might have something to do with the "Soul-train" dancing he did during each zamparini. Also, there is a '9-Lives face' which shouldn't be repeated.
  3. I love the smell of good #mumblchatter in the morning; it smells like, victory.
  4. We were happy to inform Callahan that his idea for a 2/6 Superbowl convergence was already in the works as Freedom's got the Polar Bear launching from Latta that day. #KeepPouncing.
  5. Drive-Thru exhibited some strong work during zamparini's by tweeting 'No Tolls' propaganda at the same time.


Always my pleasure to lead you fine individuals. 
