True Grit launched with 5 hard chargers ready to get their legs working.
Begin with a quick mosey around GCC and back to the front for COP.
- Merkins x 11
- SSH x 20
- Side Lunge x 15
- Man Maker Merkins x 15
- Front Lunge x 15
- Squat x 15
- Diamond Merkins x 10
- IST x 15
- Cotton Picker x 15
- Mountain Climbers x 20
The Workout:
- Head to Hell's Ascent for Quadraphelia. 4 of the Pax go up the hill backwards and continue to repeat while 1 of the Pax runs lap around church. Repeato until all of the Pax has run lap around church.
- Repeato but add in 5 burpees when come back down hill.
- Head to ball field for some Dr. Doolittle
- Bear crawls
- Crab walk
- Frog jumps
- The Push-me-Pull-you (not very successful)
- The W x 15
- Twisted Homer to Marge
- Low Dolly x 20
- Plank
- There was a location change for True Grit this past Saturday. Only one went to the wrong AO, a lesser man would have stayed put until the next workout at 0700, but not Callahan. He came and found us down the road. Nice work.
- Definitely felt the Quadraphelia. Hoping it doesn't make Uncle Rico's legs any bigger.
- I still believe we can do the Push-me-Pull-you, a little better teamwork and a little less leg work is probably needed.
- Billy Bob has the Q next week. Come see what he's up to.
An honor and privelige to be part of this group.