Tua Raviola

Event Date

Jan 17, 2019


Q arrives about 8ish seconds too late and plants the shovel flag.  Metro handles the start of Warmup.


IC ISWx 15

IC WM 10

The Thang

Pax heads to the back playground for max PU…Each grab a block and head to parkinglot.

Drop the block and head to bottom of LBH for squat jacks…how many?  100 minus the age of the oldest pax member.  Metro win the prize and after Q's demonstration the Pax complete 53 the run back to parking lot.

Everyone circles up for Tabata beat down.

3 cycles of 5 (1 min) sets using various block exercises.

1st set Block Bent Row for 1 min with each PAX rotating thru a leg exercise 5 count each leg (Reverse Lunge High Knee).

2nd set Curls for Girls for 1 min with each PAX rotating thru an exercise 5 count  1/2 burpee w/ no PU.

3rd set Block Front Raises for 1 min with each PAX rotating thru an exercise of MC 5x

4th set Block Shoulder Press for 1 min with each PAX rotating thru Jump Squats 5x.

5th set Skull Crushers for 1 min with each PAX rotating thru Squat Jacks 5x.

Cycle 1 complete and the PAX mosey to LBH for 16x WWI…reconsider the awesomeness of Trevor Lawrence!

Mosey back to parking lot to begin Cycle 2 …finish Cycle 2 and head back to LBH for 16 WWIs…mosey back and complete Cycle 3…more WWIs and we are hearing Mary call.  Return the blocks back and finally meet Mary w/ LBCs & Jane Fondas.


Q challenges the PAX to "Seek God in the Morning"…one of the hardest commitments i have ever made was to begin my day in God's word and prayer.  It continues to change my life, it humbles me and rightsizes my priorities.  If you have not attempted before will you consider now?

Quote from by John Bunyan, author of Pilgrims Progress

"He who runs from God in the morning will hardly find him at the close of the day; nor will he who begins with the world and the vanities thereof, in the first place, be very capable of walking with God all the day after.  It is he who finds God in his closet that will carry the savor of him into his house, his shop, and his more open conversation.

Scripture reference…Mark 1:35

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."

Prayer Request:  Shirley's mother (health concerns).

A pleasure to lead and an honor to serve!