Tuesday the 9th – a Nightmare off Main Street

Event Date

Nov 09, 2021


Sound like a bad horror movie?  It coulda been.  BEP convinced YHC to join some fellas for rucking as we train to ruck the HH next month.  With my newly borrowed insanely heavy vest from Q-bert (Thanks, brother!), YHC agreed to join.  We met at Main Street Coffee (that's the real magnet that pulled me in), geared up and hit the road.  Calypso and BEP believed the new greenway over that way was complete, so we sought it out.  Very nice… for about a 1/4 mile.  Then it ended.  So we walked around Hville Elem, back behind the baseball field, found an opening in the woods, and went in.  Yikes.  Dark.  There was a trail there – we know b/c it was marked in numerous places as closed due to storm damage, which we read and moved on and crossed the bridge – 5 at a time with weighted vests and packs.  #smart.

It eventually dumped us out back at the school and we made our way up 115 then back down to Main Street for 3 miles, then Mooch put in another while the rest of the pax enjoyed coffeteria in a well lit, well marked coffee house.

That's the BB.  The Force is OUT.
