Turkey Day at Cobalt

Event Date

Nov 28, 2019


Five showed at Cobalt on Thanksgiving morning to burn some calories in preparation for some serious eating and drinking later in the day.


SSH X 20 IC, Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, Windmills X 10 IC


Mosey to front parking lot and circle for burp & merk (1 burpee, 1 merkin, 1 burpee, 2 merkins, up to 1 burpee, 10 merkins). LBC X 25 OYO, American Hammer X 15 IC, WWII X 15 OYO.

Mosey back to main parking lot and circle for 15 burpees OYO, LBC X 25 OYO, American Hammer X 15 IC, WWII X 15 OYO.

Run to boat gazebo. Stop at every mailbox on the way for called exercise:

1) Merkins X 10 OYO (left arm forward), 2) Merkins X 10 OYO (right arm forward), 3) Merkins X 10 OYO (wide arm), 5) Merkins X 10 OYO, 6) Merkins X 10 OYO (left arm forward), 7) Merkins X 10 OYO (right arm forward), 8) Merkins X 10 OYO (wide arm), 9) Diamond Merkins X 10 OYO, 10) Jump Squats X 10 OYO

Circle in gazebo for 3 sets of the following:

1) Dips X 20 OYO, 2) Derkins X 15 OYO, 3) Step-ups X 10 each leg OYO, 4) Burpees X 10 OYO, 5) LBC X 25 OYO, 6) American Hammer X 15 IC, 7) WWII X 15 OYO

Run back to clubhouse parking lot. Circle in cul-de-sac on right for plank set:

1) Right hand back pocket, 2) Left hand back pocket, 3) Right knee to right elbow, hold for 5 merkins, 4) Left knee to left elblow, hold for 5 merkins, 5) Mountain climbers X 10 IC, 6) Merkins single count X 20 IC

AYG run from cul-de-sac to clubhouse parking lot.


  • Great work today fellas. Most of the pax hung around for the Overlook Turkey Trot (5K) which started right after our workout.
  • Pinky may be the Mayor of Overlook…..everybody knows the guy.
  • Always good to see Hambone. Congrats on the new job.
  • Vic-20 got creative on trying to rename the F3 exercises.
  • Surf and Turf took us out. Well said. Lots to be thankful for all around. I'm really thankful for finding F3 and this pax. Been a game changer for me personally. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday.