Turkey Day Trail Trot

Event Date

Nov 28, 2019


7 of the most thankful men (including Coin Toss that needs to sign up on the website) in Isotope ran the Turkey Day Trail Trot in Latta. Here is their story:


Quick detour to park at the church since the gates to Latta were closed…whoops



Oh look now we get a nice mile warm up before the trails…perfectly planned Ghost


~5 miles of trails…some muddier than others



Nice mile cool down back to the church on the road

Recover recover



  • Professor maximized the available space for more Turkey later this afternoon…YHC is thankful for men that are pro-active and think ahead
  • When the mumblechatter rises due to muddy trails, Ghost just runs faster…YHC is thankful for men that walk the walk and don't just talk the talk
  • Nice to meet Coin Toss this AM who scaled back his running when his 3rd 2.0 came along…YHC is thankful for men that know their limits and choose to spend more time with family
  • Frodo led the charge for coffee as there was no way he was going home empty handed…YHC is thankful for men that look out for their family first
  • Turncoat prevented a potential dead battery catastrophe and then resumed his normal spot as pace bully…YHC is thankful for men that know their place in a group and lead accordingly
  • Smokey prompted Coin Toss to join this morning after just one run back…YHC is thankful for men that are inclusive of others
  • So thankful this morning to be a part of such an awesome group of men. Awesome morning to be back on the trails. Every morning there are examples of men leading other men, their families, and people that need their light in the community. This morning was no different. Happy Thanksgiving F3 Lake Norman! Until the next time…

Don Ho