Others not above: Kuamy (sp), Heister, The Shiek, Nard Dog.
Pool season is here, so it was time to get the upper body jacked. Seriously no one cares if you have big thighs at the pool, it's all about the arms, abs, and chest…and shoulders! Maybe the back but some of us have hair that covers it up so it's less important.
- Warmorama – SSH, Cotton Picker, Spider Lunge with Downward Dog, In Place Bear Crawls with Merkins (15, 10, 5, 10, 15).
- Run to DUMC
- Grab a Paver
- Circle Up for “Ring of Fire” – 2:33 of burning to Johnny Cash!
- Curls
- Shoulder Presses
- Curls
- Skulls Crushers
- Curls
- Core work
- WW II Sit-ups X 25 OYO
- Big Flutter IC
- Touch Dem Heels IC
- Freddie Mercuries IC
- Peter Parker with Merkins
- Run a lap around Dale House
- 50 Paver Swings OYO
- Tabata (20/10)
- Hand Release Merkins X2 rounds
- Half Merkins X2 rounds
- Curls X2 rounds
- Rest
- Tricep Dips X2 rounds
- Skull Crushers X2 rounds
- Curls X2 rounds
- Lap Around
- Core work
- WW II Sit-ups X 25 OYO
- Big Flutter IC
- Touch Dem Heels IC
- Freddie Mercuries IC
- Mountain Climbers IC
- Paver Push across Lot, lunge half way back, then push the rest of the way back
- Run Back towards green
- Mary = SLOW and hold Merkins to once again, torch the chest for pool season.
- Neighbor came by after Ring of Fire was playing – and I will admit, it was a little loud but needed to get fired up for this! And besides, Special Sauce came strolling in 5 minutes late so I needed to get him fired up, and Duvall was talking too much, so I needed to drown him out a bit. Once AC/DC – Thunderstruck was playing, I am pretty sure the neighbor was not happy – or perhaps jealous but his wife made him come out. I was on my 6 doing core work and all I see is a guy standing over me. The Pax asked me "what did he say?" Answer – nothing! He didn't need to say anything, I could tell by his look, his wife was PISSED. So, I turned it down (a bit) and on we went.
- After 3 years of F3, this week, I have never had anyone complain about the music being too loud. I guess, that's not bad and there's always a first, and if it was going to happen, it was definitely going to happen in Davidson!
- Quite a few BS calls today, which of course I thrive off of and then I bring more pain as a result.
- At one point Special Sauce passed me running like I, and the rest of the Pax, were going backwards.
- Duvall didn't disappoint with argile socks and mumblechatter.
- The rest of you crazy guys who get up for an 0530 workout crushed it this AM! Thanks for coming out!
- COT – we reflected on the families impacted by the shooting last week in TX school. With 3 boys, the impact is felt for sure, and we ask that everyone takes a minute to think about what those families are going through, and only hope and pray they will somehow find some level of healing as they go through THE MOST difficult times in their lives!
Until next time – Ditka