Turning 1 into 7

Event Date

Aug 21, 2019

There was 1 at 5:28am at Muscle Beach. Q was prepping for a solo metal session then 6 more showed with little to no time to spare. Disclaimer said and we were off.


Run 0.3 miles then circle for 20 merkins IC. Run 0.3 miles back to boat launch where the metal was ready.

Pax performed three rounds of the following exercises.

  1. Skull crushers – 10 [45 or 55 lb kettle]
  2. Bent rows – 10 [40lb sandbag]
  3. Squats – 10 [60 lb sandbag]
  4. Step-ups – 6 each leg (20 lb kettles]
  5. Bench press – 10 [35 lb kettles]
  6. Curls – 10 [25 lb dumbells]
  7. Clean Press – 10 [30 lb kettles]
  8. Merkins w/front raise – 10 [10 lb dumbells]
  9. Tricep extension – 10 each arm [15 lb dumbells]

During first round, 10 leg lifts OYO after each exercise

After first round: Run 0.3 miles then circle for 20 merkins IC. Run 0.3 miles back to boat launch

After round 3: 20 burpees OYO to wrap the workout

1.2 miles running – not bad for a metal workout


  • Couple guys pushed on 5:30 timing but got caught up quick. Second round of running and merkins was for you guys – "Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him." Didn't want anyone to miss out on the action.
  • Pinky sticking around the hood for another week. I think the F3 workouts had something to do with the extension.
  • Thanks to Kruggerand for watching our cars during the first run. Good man.
  • May have been an easy workout today….nobody called Q a dick. Will try harder fellas.
  • "You used to look like you ate a lot of cheeseburgers" – Quote of the day and proof that F3 works.
  • FNG-1 is Jason Hollar. He'll now be known as Stefani. Long story behind the naming. Natty Lite has all the details. Good to have Stefani join for his second F3 workout. Hope to keep seeing you out.
  • Pinky's last first day of school today. Empty nest approaching. Q offered to fill the void – have about 20 years of first days of school coming.
  • Prayers sent up for Sarah Owings, Tom Shields and Tool Time's dad.
  • Thanks for letting me lead the Pax today fellas. Great work by all.