Twas the Night Before F3

Event Date

Dec 17, 2015



An F3 Davidson Christmas Poem

‘Twas the night before F3,
when all through the Green,
Not a creature was stirring,
the site was serene.

The Pavers were stacked
in the church parking lot,
In hopes, by the Faithful,
they’d not be forgot.

The Pax were all nestled,
snug tight in fartsacks,
With visions of burpees
and ladders and stacks.

Chim Chim in his onesie
and Easy, his crib,
Crude slept at his table,
still wearing his bib! ?

When out on the Green
there arose mumble chatter,
Pax rushed from their homes
to see what was the matter.

Problematic the number
of High Impact Men,
Who rushed to the A/O,
prepared to begin!

The moon cast a light
on the mid-winter Gloom
Giving rise to the notion:
a workout starts soon!

When, what to our wondering
eyes should appear,
But a big goofy Q,
dressed in black F3 Gear!

He was a tall gangly fellow,
so lanky – “Don’t fall!”
I knew in a moment
it must be… DUVALL!

More rapid than Creeper
his brothers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted,
and called them by name;

"Now, Riptide! Now, Spackle!
Now, Fresh Prince and Hooker!
On, Devo! On Stumpjumper!
Ezekiel and Pusher!

To the top of the stadium!
But first, “Grab some Wall!”
Ten box jumps times three,
then dash away all!"

As LB and Scrum
like a hurricane fly,
So all the Pax followed
with eyes to the sky,

And off to the Stadium
the Faithful they flew,
Always moving in cadence,
led strong by their Q.

Instructions forthcoming
as trackside they planked,
“One Snake and one Stairway,
Genghis-style: thanks!”

Then laps and some burpees,
wall sits and merkins,
Box jumps and pullups
and Mary and Derkins.

The beatdown continued,
no 10-counts in sight,
“Repeato the Stadiums,
this time do it right!”

The Q’s bag of tricks
was incredibly vast.
If he kept it up,
this might be his last! (Or, “we might kick his a$$!”)

His arms — how they dangled!
His cadence: deliberate!
Quick Side Straddle Hop?
He’d never consider it!

His wide toothy smile
barked orders and more,
“To the church AND the school –
we have much left in store!”

More pull-ups and pavers,
more hills and more merkins
More burpees and Mary,
we just kept on workin’!

And finally, finally…
“Back to the Green!”
We were done for the day,
or so it had seemed.

But Duvall said “We’re not done!
Just a couple more minutes.
It wasn’t that hard…
together, we’ll finish!”

But the pax, they revolted:
“We’ve all had enough!
Your time limit’s up;
we’re tired of your stuff!”

Then Duvall and the pax
stood together, near dead,
And the only response was:
“That’s what she said!”

The one joke now uttered,
the workout now done,
The nicknames and ages
gone through one-by one.

The group formed a ball,
bowed their heads and gave thanks
For Fitness, Fellowship,
Faith among ranks.

The weight loss and fun times,
both measured in tons
Help make us good fathers,
neighbors and sons!

So on this great night
of celebration and cheer,
Raise a glass to F3,
full of Kool-Aid (or BEER)!

And together we’ll toast
all the men in this room,
Merry Christmas to all…
See you ALL in the Gloom!

Pdiddy 12/17/15