Twenty-one Men that DID NOT Watch the Royal Wedding (live at least….)

First, it should be noted that RentaCop, Comet, and Finger Licking Good should be mentioned above in the Pax, but weren't as they will assuredly be mentioned in a #BB elsewhere for their STALWURT effort in the HEAVY!  SOLID WORK you three!!


Now, as Megan (America's now best known divorcè) walked down the aisle to marry her prince (I think his name is Harold, Andrew, or something…), THIRTEEN MEN made their commitment to The Glen paramount to other 'things' that might have been going on, in Race City and throughout the world, at that time.  However, there were LOTS of moving parts to Race City yesterday morning.  Suffice it to say that we had a strong showing at The Glen, with #thestandard run of 4 miles by Strutter and Loveshack, ruck of 5.5 miles by Crack, Frosty, Manhands, Chief and Shambala, and of course our guys (RentaCop, Comet, and FLG) laboring heavily under the stress and strain of their, well……Heavy.  Prior to YHC's below detailed whirlwind pain manefesto was administered, Loveshack and Manhands took off.  Lear left half way through the post, and Dewey and Mailman were at a separate AO, running, ostensibly, but met us at coffeeteria. (yes, at Panera, because I knew you'd ask)

Warm ups (IC)- SSH 20,IST 15, CP'S 10 CDD'S 15, WM'S 10, Merkins 10, Squats 15, 

The Thang: Mozy to posts, each man on a post, 'Five and Dime'. Five diamond merkins on the post, run down hill to fence, 10 squats, repeat 2 x's.  Plank to hold.  Mozy to the visiting team dugout (that's the one on the right side of the field, for those of you in Rio Linda).  Wallwork.  3 Sets of Iron/Preacher chair, and Wall sit.  Heal touches and air presses IC to 10 were prescribed during the first and last of the 'chairs'.  The middle session was spent discussing the nuances of the Iron Chair, Preacher's Chair, Wall Sit, and Cement Chair. (all can be very different, so make sure you accentuate the specific differences when sitting in that manner-in order to target focus the muscle group that particular exercise aims to attenuate).  EACH 'chair' was followed by Balls to the Wall with 10 Peter Parkers (IC) thrown in for good measure for the first two, then a rousing AMRAP Peter Parker finale was peppered into the final BttW session.  

Mozy to nearby crackden, 4* sets of increasing reps of dips 10, 12, 15, 17, pull ups 5, 5, 8, 8, and merkins 15, 20, 25, 30. (with the pull-ups, there was supposed to be 6 in the second round, but we missed it, so that 6th rep was added to the 7 due the third round, making it 8, capiche?).

Mozy to the SW corner of the nearest soccer field GIG HARBOUR RUN.  Six (6) sets of sprints of 60, 50, 40….10 seconds interspersed with group exercises of 10 IC sets of Squats, CDD's, Hillbilly's, Merkins, and Heel Slaps.  This was a smoker. Mozy to parking lot.

Mary (IC)- Box Cutters 15, Cutter Boxes 15, Low Flutter 20.  Recover, recover.


-Lots of intentions in the COT today, keep all of them in your thoughts please.

-Lear did have a prior commitment, and of course is welcome to leave any post whenever he wants to #Respect, #wardaddy.  

-Chicken Little was the War Baby, and was also accosted during one of the sprints so that he wouldn't/couldn't go the furthest.

-The Gig Harbour Run is meant to address the varied top speeds of the Pax, cuz no matter how 'far' you get, y'all come back to the center to participate in the next exercise.  This also allows each man to ostensibly PUSH himself as hard as he can during those sprints!

-Chief tried to object to the Five and Dime by saying it was really a 'Fifteen'.  His protest was squashed with a simple 'no it's not' from the Q.  

-To no one's surprise, Cupcake and Chicken were the final two duking it out in the AMRAP Peter Parker while Balls to the Wall…..impressive.  

-You 'may' feel you had an excuse to watch the royal wedding instead of going through your glamourless gutcheck goaround at The Glen.  If so, three letters….D V R.  IF you were simply earning brownie points with the M, well then…….we hope those points can be cashed in at next weeks CAMOUP 5k!!  Now, if you ATTENDED the royal wedding, we'll give a pass……even though it was her 'second' wedding.  

*Now, that 'fourth' set of exercises prescribed were due to Cupcake, Contra, and Chicken Little, who all 'ran ahead' upon finishing their merkins, hence causing the ENTIRE PAX to undergo a 4th round……thanks you three!

-The #mumblechatter was heavy today, making the Q pleased and thankful for its very existence.  

-Where did we get 'Twenty Men…..' from?  Well, add the 17 listed above (running+rucking+posting), then include our three (3) F3RCUSA ruckers doing the Heavy, and you get twenty (20) men that ostensibly DID NOT watch the wedding…

-Gents, it is ALWAYS a pleasure to lead you.  Take a turn, you'll get MUCH from the experience!

