Twinkle Bellz

Event Date

Dec 27, 2019

Disclaimer given



Side Straddle Hops = 20 – IC

Copperhead Squats = 10 – IC

Toy Soldiers = 10 – IC

Small Arm Circles Forward = 10 seconds

Large Arm Circles Forward = 10 seconds

Small Arm Circles Reverse = 10 seconds

Large Arm Circles Reverse = 10 seconds

Hug Yourself = 10 seconds


The Thang:

We walked and lunged walked around the parking lot for 1 lap with our KB’s. We stopped at every 3rd parking space and performed one of the KB exercises below for 10 – OYO reps:

Left Arm Watch Breakers

Right Arm Watch Breakers

Left Arm Lawnmower Pulls

Right Arm Lawnmower Pulls

Left Hand Bell Merkins

Right Hand Bell Merkins

Overhead Press


Left Arm Plank Rows

Right Arm Plank Rows


Left Arm Curls

Right Arm Curls

Skull Crushers

KB Swings


Pit stop at the benches at the gym entrance for:

10 Step-ups/calf raises each leg

15 Dips

5 Burpee Presses before finishing the lap which ended at the stairs, but only just begun.


Stair tower of power =

Beginning at bottom of stairs, perform number of merkins for each number of stairs as they are climbed. Stair 1 = 1 merkin, stair 2 = 2 merkins, and so on up to the top 14th stair = 105 reps

Repeato, but merkins changed to KB curls for the girls.



American Hammers with KB = 10 – IC

LBS’s with KB = 10 – IC



Ecclesiastes 4:10 “if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Friends are there for one another to help lift one another when they fall.



Sparrow returns for another KB beatdown. He must enjoy pain! CA-CAW!

Toto posts to his first ever KB beatdown sporting a shiny new KB. His virgin technique will take some time to improve, but great work today Toto! Looking forward to you being a KB regular.

Abrams forgot to check the weather this morning as he was dressed for a summer beach day. His beach attire did not slow him down, but the stair tower of power did!

Lots of moans and groans during the stair tower of power. Hopefully Mulligan’s workout for Saturday involves lots of running as the arms of today’s KB Pax are all sorts of swole, jacked and pumped!

Ultimate frisbee today 1600 at ELHS. 2.0’s welcome.

Pain and gain!

Make it a great day!
