Twister vs Hurricane smack down (Mighty Jungle backblast)

*FNG-1 is Deep Horizon

Nine intrepid men (and Tripper the dog) ventured to Mighty Jungle to brave the Hurricane threat, but found it was no match for a Twister!


Dynamic stretching platter, inc side-sides, arm circles, oblique stretches, seated stretches, etc. Mumblechatter started early w/ worries that the extensive stretching could only mean pain to come.

The Thang:

Korean pushups 10 IC

Squat jumps 10 OYO

Sphinx pushups 5 IC (Diamond Mericans 10 IC for second set)

LBCs 20 IC



Mosey to pullup bars, picking up cinder blocks on the way.

Partner ups: 1st set: While one partner does 10 pullups OYO, other does shoulder presses AMRAP, switch and repeat. Then backs together air chair for 1 min.

2nd set: While one partner does arm hang while lifting block with feet for 1 min, other does skull crushers AMRAP, switch and repeat. Meant to do 2nd set of air chair but think I forgot.

Balanced calf-raises on top of block 20 IC

You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall:

To Blackbeard's dismay, mosey to the wall for some painful fun exercises (later dubbed prison-style workout by the Pax)

1. Balls to the wall position, alternating leg swings 8 IC

2. Plank position w/ head facing wall, put right hand on wall then left hand, then right hand down then left down (4-count) 8 IC

Lunges 10/leg OYO

3. Balls to the wall, hold until collapse

4. Inverted mountain climbers (handstand w/ toes on wall) 8 IC

WWIIs dirty dozen 12 SC IC

Mosey to Copperhead Road: Quadraphilia up hill, 20 SSH OYO, run back down. Repeato 2 more times.

Mosey to circular hill drive, lunge walk to top, then mosey to fountain. Incline Mericans 10 IC, Dips 10 IC. 


Circle back up in parking lot for Mary in the rain. Q kicked it off w/ "cat on hot tin roof" (plank position, alternate lifting right arm/left leg, left arm/right leg, repeato muy mas). Went around the circle w/ each Pax calling an exercise. Q's plan worked when Omaha made Pax do 50 total IC Jane Fondas, causing Pax to start grumbling about him rather than Q's exercises.


  • Could be my last Q here, as Blackbeard continually berated me to go back to Mt. Island w/ my crazy stretches and exercises. Some people are so hard to please
  • Pax informed Q that the church ladies didn't want us exercising at the fountain. Mea culpa
  • Those wall exercises look easier on YouTube. Much grumbling caused Q to audible and not do the last two wall exercises planned. Though they may return …
  • Tclaps to Die Hard for stopping on way to Coffeeteria to help an older gentleman walking in the rain with a head gash. Apparently he fell while walking the trails. Die Hard helped him get home. Representin' in the community!
  • Many thanks for the chance to lead and for you all coming out in uncertain weather. Always an honor.
  • Stay safe, men! We're all a family, so reach out to your F3 brothers if you need any assistance