Twitter Versus Discord

Event Date

Sep 10, 2024





Bottom Hill 1: 5 blockees

Top Hill 1: 10 squats

Bottom Hill 2: 15 WW2s

Top Hill 2: 20 lunges (10/leg)

Bottom Hill 3: 25 merkins


It’s interesting how when I have previously posted about the kamikaze on Twitter (aka the older guys’ platform), it can shy people away.  However, when I post about the kamikaze in Discord (aka the younger guys’ chat) it got at least one Pax (Cobra) to immediately sign up.  Fortunately for me, I’m middle-aged so I can take part in both platforms.  

I also appreciate that Snake Eyes saw the “oldie but goodie” post on Twitter, knew it was about the kamikaze, and he still posted.  I also appreciate the Elmers had no idea that we were running the kamikaze, posted anyways, and seemed happy about running it – claiming “it’s one of my favorites.”

Thank you guys for the opportunity to lead and for pushing through!  Nice work.

Hopefully our numbers will rise again as temperatures cool off and vacations slow down.  I don’t want to see Fallout die!  As Elmers said, “It’s one of the originals.”

Until next time…

– Drebin