Two can be as bad as one. It’s the loneliest number since the number one. (But better for partner exercises.)

Event Date

Aug 04, 2018


The seconds were ticking away with 0700 rapidly approaching. YHC had one foot in the car to head over to the Mighty Jungle, when coming around the corner, tires screeching like Starsky's Gran Torino, came Waffle House, ready to submit to whatever radical biophysical experiment that Jersey Boy had cooked up for the morning.

Waffle's only saving grace was YHC "not feelin' it this morning" (and therefore rev-limiting many exercises) but a difficult and, frankly, weird workout still ensued. Waffle House bestowed his measured wisdom to help with the experimental partner exercises, leading to the permanent banishment of:

  • The "Up-and-Through Rock Swap" (too likely for butts to touch)
  • The "Partner Cross Pulls" (too "pully")
  • The "Partner Sleds" (not "pully" enough)

Surviving the partner exercise trial by fire was the "Partner Hamstring Curl," the "Watermelon Crusher," and the "Squerkin" (squat/merkin").

Also, we did some usual Jersey Boy fare, including:

  • Goose Steps
  • Smerkins
  • Bear Squats
  • Crucifix Planks
  • I-hops
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Card Table Planks
  • Folding Card Table Planks
  • Home Stretch
  • Oblique V-Ups
  • Metronomes
  • Bent-Over Rows
  • LBC Chest Presses
  • Front Shoulder Raises
  • Fruit Roll-Ups
  • Jacknifes
  • Superman Pulses
  • Rocking Horses
  • Halos
  • Round-the-World Rock Transfers (Waffle House audible)

We skipped name-o-rama in favor of some second F about family and futbol, but we did close with the mandatory "Arc of Trust" (you need three for a circle). Thanks for showing up Mr. House! You are a stalwart and fit mutha, brother!