Two cruise I-77

Event Date

May 03, 2023


Thanks to Clark who saved me from a sad clown Q!

Warm Up

20 ssh, TS, WM, CP, Tie Fighter

Main Event

-‘Stairway to Eleven’ skip first two steps, plank position up the stairs w/+1 merkin each step till reach 11 reps.

-Cruise I77 w/11 stops for fill up.  Each stop 7 reps of either burpees, merkins, CH, step ups, dips, down unders.  Navigate via, bear crawl, mosey,quad’filia, karaoke, lunge walk as called by Q.

Blocks for; CPRs, Colt 45, milk jugs.  On six for OH press/extend, Rocks Up.  Return CBs.

Mosey to down unders for 3 sets. Quad’filia to embankment.  Return home on I77 with 4 stops for refills.



”The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Pray out.  Thanks again to Clark for saving me from giving up and going home early to crawl back into the sack!