Two Days Late and 4 Points Short (If you’re a Carolina Fan) Blender BB

Event Date

Apr 05, 2022

This BB is late, and incomplete…mostly because it’s late and I can’t remember some of the things. That said, I am glad that Estwing pushed me to do the BB, I should have done it sooner. I end every single COT by asking for accountability in ALL aspects of our lives, not just fitness. Estwing, holding me accountable. T-Claps for that. More to come in the Moleskine…

We stood around and looked at each other for a second, no need for a disclaimer…these guys know the drill.

Lap around the church
Circle Up
SSH x 20
IST X 20
Windmill X 20
Slippery Dip Can X 20
Halo x 20
Around the World x 20

Bells Down…Time for the Thang

Run to Pull Up Forest
Flip some tires, down the street and back.
In the Woods for 10 Pull Ups and 10 Toes to Bar
Back to the tires. Flip them again. Do Burpees at the back of the line.
Back to the Woods (collective groan). 10 Pull Ups and 10 Toes to Bar.
Long Way to the Bells.
Stop at the bottom of the hill (unless you’re Crocs).
Bear Crawl Up. Jog Down.
Crab Walk Up. Jog Down.
Bear Crawl Up. Jog Down.
Crab Walk Up. Jog Down.
Up the hill to the bells.
KB Swing and Dragon Drop Ladder. 


Lots of Low Flutters (YHC was feeling good)
WW2 Sit Ups on my up
Mason Twists x 10 (Not feeling as strong at this point)
1 Minute Elbow Plank
Recover, Recover.

-Hard workers showed up for this beat down. Very little mumble chatter except for when Pop Tart realized I was targeting him with Merkins (yea we did Merkins at some point, but I can’t remember when). Kosar had his head down and was putting in work. Heard that Estwing broke him on Wed at TMO, Heal up, Kosar! 
-Pop Tart and Perrier put it some good work straight off of winning the ‘Stanley Cup of Adventure Races’…that actually doesn’t sound at all like the Stanley Cup except that they get to put their names on it. 
-Flo showing up like a proper MQ even after his Tar Heels gave up the biggest lead in the History of the NCAA Finals.
-Crocs does Crocs. Showed up, worked hard, didn’t do the stuff he didn’t feel like doing, ran ahead of the Q, and finished the workout by saying, ‘Well that wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be’…I will do better next time.
-Finally, my FNG who bailed at 4:30AM AND Estwing had an FNG who bailed. Comment some nicknames for someone who acts like they are all in and then bails multiple weeks in a row.
-Now, I promised more on the accountability piece above. For the 3 of you that are still reading this: Iron sharpens Iron has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks. If that’s what F3 strives to do…for men to make other men better…are we living that out? Are we living that out in F3 Isotope? Are YOU living that out? Are you in F3 for YOU or are you here for those around you? Have you made the effort to build your brother up? Or are you more focused on tearing him down? Are you making that other man sharper, or duller? Think about it. Live it out. It’s not about you. 
