Two for the money & four for the show!

Event Date

Feb 15, 2023

Well I’m counting four even Though Shake Weight and Rudolph did their own thing running in mindless but fast circles around the track.  Hey we need the numbers!

Warm Up

SSh, ST, WM, CP, MH, CHSq, Tie Fighter.  

MAin Event

Lap around parking lot with 11 stations; 6x  burps, step ups, CH Sq, Merck’s.  To block pile and overhang.  IC x 10; 1/2 curls to level then level to up, chest press to skull crushers, War Hammer 4 horizontal press followed by 45 degree press, Walmarts, dead lift, Lion King.

On six.  WW II sit-ups with OH press, chest press with OH extend.  Tammy Wynettes: CB squats while partner does Merck’s, switch every 10 reps till 100.  On CB merkins, Welch Dragon: Bear Crawl w/o CB, merks, plank jack, shoulder tap after 4 steps increased by one till count reaches 5.  Return CBs.

Lunge walk and mosey back to AO.  

Lbc, Pretzel, Wheezy Jefferson.

Bible Verse, Sound off and pray out.  Happy to see four pax on Wednesday!