Two for True

Event Date

May 13, 2017

2 exclusive members of the "black pickup truck club" showed up at GCC to show off their wheels.

Mosey lap around church and circle up
Ssh x 20
Plank jack x 10
Windmill x 10
Ist x 10
Toy soldier x 10

Run to first island and do 5 merkins
Run back to starting point
Run to second island and do 10 merkins
Run back to starting point
Run to third island and do 15 merkins
Run back to starting point
Run to fourth island and do 20 merkins
Run back to starting point
REPEATO with burpees from 1 to 4

Mosey to patio
Dips x 10
Incline merkins x 8
Box jumps x 10
Decline merkins x 8
Rocky Balboa x 15

Mosey to rock pile and get rock
Curls x 10
Shoulder press x 10
Goblet squat x 10
Skull crusher x 10
Bear crawl 20 yds and back

Mosey back into parking lot and get kettle bell from Ty Webb's truck

Ty Webb does KB swings while Billy Bob runs 100 yds and back
REPEATO with squat thrusters and jump squats

Mosey to pull-up bars
5 pull-ups then run to curb and do 5 merkins
REPEATO decreasing reps by 1 down to 1

Mosey back to church for Mary

Dying cockroach x 15
Pretzel crunch x 10 each leg
Low flutter x 10
Low dolly x 10 
Freddy Mercury x 10

1. Light turnout this morning but that's okay.  Not everyone can be a member of the "black pickup truck club".
2. Billy Bob is turning another year older sometime in the next couple of weeks.  However, his advanced age did not slow him down this morning.
3. TrueGrit needs Q's for the spring and summer.  Sign up on the website or tweet me and I'll add you to the calendar.  Serious inquiries only.

See y'all in the gloom,
Ty Webb