Two Four Three

Event Date

Mar 30, 2020


As part of a series (, 3 miles were rucked today. A few observations:

  • First time noticing the retaining wall that gave out along the backroad behind Which Wich. Didn’t realize that’s why the road has been closed
  • Jimmy’s M tested negative — after the sample went back and forth across the US twice and satin a lab until a tech could get around to it
  • When walking two abreast with headlamps, oncoming cars may think it’s an omcoming car vs two ruckers. In any case, he slowed down for us at the traffic circle today
  • The consensus was that it’s good that questionably essential businesses are allowed to remain open as they typically are ones with employees most in need of a paycheck
  • During the ruck, I only recall seeing one tomato out and about (preparing for a run herself). Following CoT though, there are still several people out walking dogs
  • Starbucks looks very lonely, despite a few cars stopping briefly before driving on

Thanks to Jimmy O for keeping me company (at a safe distance) and for taking us out in prayer. Join me for day 2 tomorrow for a 4-miler launching from Starbucks on Gilead (Odyssey AO) at 0530.