Two is company but 5 is a crowd

Event Date

Oct 11, 2023

YHC was pleasantly surprised to see 4 PAX join me for this Beatdown…


  • Cotton Pickers 10 IC
  • Windmills 10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers 10 IC
  • IPS 10 IC
  • Goofballs 10 IC (A few PAX were introduced to this)
  • Grady Corns 30 IC – enough to get Crabby in on a few
  • mosey to shelter


  1. PAX 1 bear block crawl to other end of shelter while rest do curls, each PAX takes turn completing the Bear block crawl for 1 round
  2. PAX 1 Zamporinis with block to other end and back while rest of PAX do skull crushers, each PAX takes turn completing the Zamporini for 1 round
  3. PAX 1 Lunge walks to other end of shelter while rest of PAX do squats, each PAX takes turn completing the Lunge Walk for 1 round
  4. PAX 1 crab walks to other end of shelter while rest of PAX do heels to heaven, each PAX takes turn completing the crab walk for 1 round.
  5. PAX 1 Farmer carries 2 blocks to other end and back while rest do dips, each PAX takes turn completing farmer carry for 1 round.
  6. PAX 1 caraoca to other end and back while rest do merkins, each PAX takes turn completing caraoca for 1 round
  7. PAX 1 does side shuffles while rest do incline merkins, each PAX does side shuffles for 1 round
  8. Blocks up while rest side shuffle.

Disclaimer – The above is likely wrong order or paired wrong and likely missed something or added something because I have slept since then. And I’m old.

Head to parking lot 300 LBCs as a team while PAX take turns moseying to other end of parking lot.


Pretzel Crunch 15 IC

Low Flutters 15 IC


For Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.  Mark 8:35

Mumble Chatter

Mater wore his old shoes so that we could work out on the baseball field

Crabby was still supporting his Orioles, wearing an Orioles shirt, even after a tough series loss.  Great Fan! Sorry Crabby!

Shirley did the whole workout like a champ with his new spine

Strudel did not complain once about this workout, even though it was horribly thought up

Thanks for those PAX present and those that weren’t

God Bless,
