Two Plus Two Sometimes Equals Three

Event Date

Jan 14, 2023


So, there were two #mallwalkers vehicles parked at Bedrock when I entered the lot — the mallwalkers already out for their morning circuit.  Always honored when we are the chosen AO for their activity.  Does it mean they like us?

Anyway, Jersey Boy rolled in shortly after, and he and I, realizing that noone else was coming, began going through our paces.  A quick lap around the soccer field, some warm-o-rama, including SSH, IST, TS, LS, and hammy stretches, and we ventured over to the track.  

Since I had alluded to the “Stone Age” in my PB, we grabbed rocks and placed them at the end of the backstretch, then moseyed across the field to grab rocks for the beginning of the homestretch.  Yep – it was a horseshoe (on the track, so nice and flat).  Horseshoe may be in the Exicon, but ask if you happen to read this and don’t know what it is. I taught JB some leg swings on the fence and then we got to it. The 5 exercises: Chest Press (25), Rock Squat (25), Curls (25), American Hammer (20 each side), and skull crushers (25).

This took pretty much the whole time, so we moseyed back to launch where we were joined by Blackbeard and Titan for COT.  During the count, Jersey Boy mentioned that they counted for 1/2, since they walked.  However, their 5 miles was greater than our 2.5 miles, so that could be debated. 

I believe coffeeteria followed, but I was unable to make it today.  Brief moleskin: with just 2 pax, you have time for some pretty good conversations while running.  We talked about track & field a bit (mostly field), and extensively about board games, including the one that JB’s 2.0 has created and JB took the initiative to “build” into a playable game.  Pretty cool!