Two-thirds of a Kamikaze (plus blocks) is ENOUGH

NINE fine men appeared in the dark gloom for a combo beatdown at Fallout.  Here's how it went…


0530 short but direct disclaimer

0531 grab blocks and head to the bottom of the second tier futbol fieid.  Line up by the fence, blocks on the line, circle up.

Warmorama (the usual EXCEPT we did what seems to be the long-forgotten Mountain Climbers)

Grab your block (8 full, 1 half).

– Skull Crushers x 30

– Shoulder Press x 20 (?)

– Full Curl x 25 (?)

Then blocks down on the line, mosey across the field to the bottom of the hill.  10 single count Merkins, then return.

Blocks up, repeato same exercises with audibles on the count.  The highly observant Q remained aware of when the Pax was needign to put their blocks down, skip reps, etc.  Thus the Q hit a good number and halted (for the pax, not b/c the Q was remotely phased by the # of reps).

Then mose across the field again.  10 Merkins at the bottom of the hill.  Up the hill, 10 Merkins.  Back down, 10 more.  Then return.

3-peato with the blocks.

Back across the field.  Merkins at the bottom and top, then across the next field, Merkins at the bottom, then back and Merkins at the top and bottom of course.

Blocks up.  The pax appeared winded.  Audible to the obvious choice of exercise while on the artificial turf:  The Lawnmower x 12 each arm.

Then across both fields, alllllllll the Merkins, ALL THE WAY to the top of the top field, Merkins, then ALLLLLLLL the way back with Merkins appropriately wedged in at the tops/bottoms of all hills.

Blocks back (after the short hike w/ them).

MWAR – each pax took a turn with The Force's BIG, LONG, THICK, BLACK….  rope while the rest of the pax did Mary (Mary With A Rope).

Recover-recover after 47 mins of solid beatdown and even more solid effort from the pax.  Impressive.  Painful (for the pax I assume).


The pax also did a slow, deep, butt-touch squat over blocks while we waited on the 6 after each leg of this semi-Kamikaze.  Said differently, we very slowly and gently sat on our blocks and waited, then slowly rose to a 5 count and hoped the 6 would think we were exercising. Don't believe they fell for it.

Every gym teach I ever can remember had a thick mustache (irrelevant) and a belly.  Usually a bad knee too.  So what's the deal with Hasslehoff always leading every suicide, Kamikaze and the like?  YHC always finds myself chasing him.  YHC finished one segment of the Kamikaze ahead of him today – only b/c he and Snake Eyes (also crushing it today) went the wrong way at one point and the pax waited about 30 yards before telling them.  Win.

Been praying for a few good, sweet friends and their families who are fighting breast cancer.  2 things:

1 – Prayer works.  We may not always see it or know exactly how, but it works.  Sometimes prayer heals (the sick or those around the sick).  Sometimes prayer grabs hold of a non-believer or on-the-edge believer and pulsl them in.  Prayer reminds us of Grace and of Hope.  This week, one of our friends (Christine) received very good test results following a very bleak week of doctor visits and follow-ups.  Her cancer had spread from breast to lymph nodes undetected, thus it was expected that it would have spread further.  Test results show it has not.  Now it is time to treat, fight, pray some more and kick some FUCKING CANCER ASS.

2 – Amen reminded us of something he heard recently:  (I'm paraphrasing and will get it close to right) So many of us spend 90% of our prayer efforts to keep Christians out of Heaven (praying for their healing/recovery) but only 10% of our prayer efforts on getting non-Christians INTO Heaven.  Dang.  That kinda hit home.  Pray for someone this week who doesn't know The Lord yet.  Talk to them.  Witness.  It's not just a cool thing to do, but He expects us to…

The Force
