Two’s a Dragging

Event Date

Sep 08, 2023

Warm Up

WM, TS, CP, Sun Salute, Down Dog/Up Dog, Cat/Cow, Arm Rotation, calf raises 

Beat Down

Plank position;  start at bottom of lot, Drag KB 4 times add +1 merk each stop up to 10 then back down to 1.  End up at top of parking lot and lunge walk back to AO.  
Sans kb, mosey to down under bars. IC 4 sets of 10 x pull ups with 10 second hang.  Mosey back to AO.  6 continuous reps of curl, press,skull crushers, rows, dead lift and squats while partner runs up and down stairs 10 cycles and switch.


IC 20 LBCs, Pretzel Crunch, Flutter Kicks


Psalm 23 in memory of Q’s brother who passed away this week.  Thanks to Travolta for showing and supporting!