Uh oh…Look who has the Q…

It was a balmy 61 degree day on the campus of Lake Forest Church as 20 hardcharging PAX were eager to see what YHC cooked up for this weeks addition at #TheSword. They understanably knew that burpees were on the menu, but didn't know how many or what kind. The beatdown went a little something like this…..


Mosey through the parking lot with a mixture of high knees, butt kickers and shuffles. Circule up near the pull up bars.

10 Cotton Pickers IC

Grab a rock and mosey to the back side of the parking lot approximately 40 yards from the pull up bars
One WWII Rock Sit Up
One 'Contra' Burpee
Sprint to the pull up bars, one pull up
Mosey back to the rock

Two WWII Rock Sit Up
Two 'Contra' Burpee
Sprint to the pull up bars, one pull up
Mosey back to the rock

Add one additional WWII Rock Sit Up, Contra Burpee, Pull Up
Go until 10

PAX who finished early:
25 Low Flutter IC
25 Rosalita IC

10 Rock Squats IC

Return rocks

Mosey to the trail to the Monkey  Bars
Crawl Bear up the Hill
Mosey Down

Go over the Monkey Bars…Stop at the top and do 5 full extension pull ups, finish the Monkey Bars
Plank until all PAX finishes

10 Merkins IC

Mosey out from the Monkey Bars the long way around campus to the cars

Jedi – Dying Cockroach 20 IC
Ty Webb – Pickle Pounders 15 IC
Ultraman – Box Cutters 15 IC
YHC – 10 Burpees

– Thanks to Lego for the opportunity to Q #TheSword.  It's been a while since YHC Q'd at this great AO.
– Ty Webb is a machine. #Stud
– Ultraman doesn't bring that much mumblechatter, but he brings great effort each post #StrongWork
– Junk is the king of mumblechatter! Where was your sidekick @Firestone?
– Over Budget, you may need some help with your technique on those monkey bars!
– Jedi is always out front pushing the PAX.
– Fenway is the master of the one armed burpee!
– Carpet Bagger wanted to leave after he found out YHC had the Q. You're a better man for staying than going somewhere else…
– Looks like we did close to 250 total Merkins, 65 Burpees, 55 Pull Ups (not counting the two times through the Monkey Bars and the 10 Pull Ups)
– Thanks for the BS's.
– Ditka has the Q next week and is sure to bring some tunes and the pain!
– It's always a pleasure and honor to lead a beatdown. After we started this AO over a year ago, I am really excited to see how it has grown and all of the new PAX. Keep up the great work fellas!
