* Flashdance is not registered

And so it….ends. The Week of the Outlaw.  All good, and I suppose great things, must come to an end. We certainly finished on a high note – Hippie was there for the final workout! (and also led in the Week of the Outlaw – more on that later) Here is the story of today, recap of the week and general ramblings.

The Thang:

Warm up with SSH X 25, Cotton Pickers X 15, Windmills X 15

Then, Wafflehouse and Hippie drafted their respective teams for Ultimate Football and the game commenced. Here is the Breakdown

– Red Army won. They had a bunch of tall fast guys my team had a hard time guarding. As we were short. Or slow. Or fat. Or all of the above. 

– They really were mostly tall (any team with Moses is mostly tall regardless) and fast. Except for Dallas. Dallas is not exceptionally tall. Or fast. But Two Scoops has a lot in common with Randy Moss. In that they always think they are open. Perhaps Randy Moss likes ice cream. I guess the comparison ends there. Sorry.

– We had Little Professor on my team and he is my favorite player. And no, it is not because of his SWEET ND stocking cap. He has a great set of hands and enthusiasm, and just kept getting up after Mayhem trucked him. Again. And again.

– New F3 LKN terminology coined today – To Titan – loose defnition is to stop just short of some goal but enthusiastically declare your victory. Hey, I had no problem with it. He was on my team. Deal with it.

– The Red Army has a very difficult time counting to 10. The Red school in NC is State. And they had difficulty counting. I'm just sayin' …. If you can't go to college go to State.

– I reached in my pocket to pay for groceries at Harris Teeter after the workout and, lo and behold, Hippie was still in my hip pocket

– Speaking of hips, Dallas evidently has a very pointed one as my quad and dead leg have not resolved after his hip check. Hockey player? 

– Waffle House did an admirable job chasing Moses all over the field – that means you had to tun at least 2.9 miles to Moses' 3

– Deep Dish and Holiday invariably dominate these games. They both have exceptional hands and rarely drop a pass or make a bad throw, And Deep Dish bring his kid with the sweet hat.

– I stole Master Po from the other team when they weren't looking. Fast, great hands and not afraid to go over the middle. And who doesn't want a Kung Fu master on their team in case something goes down?

– Landline caught more passes than anyone on our team, except for Little Professor who absolutely rocks. That hat

– Perrier proved to be a significant match-up problem for the Red Army which we did not take enough advantage of. Must be the name, who thinks of Perrier at a football game. 

– The red brothers Flashdance and Firestone ultimately were the difference in the game, when Flashdance deserted us, those two sure-handed safety valves and sneaky deep threats killed us

– In all, 21 touchdowns were scored, 12 by the Red Army. Punishments for giving up touchdowns were Mericans, CDDs and Mountain Climbers.

– We ended facing the hill and once again reminiscing about the MANY Jacob's ladders we ran there in the early days of Isotope….. Then…. I had the pax do THE Burpee and we gave the hill the finger.



– 84 different pax – thanks to all of you for coming out.

– Garmins in attendance tracked more than 2 miles of running at every workout except for The Cauldron – where we had 10 for the Standard and ran 2 + there. It was an Awful Lotta Running

– Leading in the clubhouse with Gold Medals and attending 5 of 6 Workouts:

Hippie – One of the strongest leaders in F3 LKN, many thanks brother for all you do

Macbeth – special shout out to Macbeth who was my partner several days this week, really appreciate it brother!

– Silver Medals go to the following pax who attended 4 of 6 workouts:

Holiday – BRR partner extraordinaire, won't ever forget you again

Waffle House – celebrating my birthday tonight with your beer – thanks again

Landline – you were MVP of our team today

– Bronze Medals to the following pax who attended 3 of 6 workouts this week:

Titan – excuse me, TITAN! If there is a better BRR teammate, I don't know him

Deep Dish – my favorite pizza

Primo – OG rules!

Gnarly Goat – a special thanks for your leadership over the years, my sincere thanks and respect

Perrier – if you haven't congratulated him on qualifying for Boston Marathon in his 1st marathon, please do. Unbelievable accomplishment

Capone – thanks for the shout-outs this week, appreciate your kind words

– Gang Green – so grateful we spelled it this way and not gangrene

– Hat Trick – fitting he is last on this list, as he almost always is last to show up at the workout, but few get after it harder than him

– Special Passport Status foe coming from afar to attend this week:

Gump – still miss you in the pax, why did we kick you out again?

Skipper – The one and only, AHOY!

Pierogi – witty, funny and a beast, not to mention one of my favorite food names in F3 (with Stromboli)

Shoe – you will always be an Isotope (don't worry, we changed our name again so you won't have to be embarrassed) You are the Man!

Duvall – thanks for applying for that visa early Duvall. And appreciate your leadership on the Board

And, finally, the "Thanks for Participating" Award for a few of those who only attended one workout for the Week of the Outlaw

Jolly Roger – when will I ever learn to not expect much (anything) out of you. Now that I said that, you probably will cash in your beer IOU gift. That would be SOOOO like you

Mini Me – see above. I guess we should just be grateful with your standing on the outside and casting dispersions on others that you weren't nantan for very long. Love you. Mean it.


That wraps up the Week of the Outlaw. While I am rarely serious in any of my comments at F3, I do want to sincerely thank all of you for this week and every other week of F3. F3 is the men who show up, and there is no finer region with better men in it than we have right here in Lake Norman. The truest measure of any endeavor is whether it makes you better in some way. You all have made me better in more ways than I can count. Now, if only I wasn't so messed up to start….

With sincere thanks to F3LKN,
