Ultimate ultimately united us. . .and $240 was raised for Operation Sweet Tooth!

Not listed above: Omega's 2.0 Hot Dog and Wonder Bread's 2.0 Reed (FNG-1).


YHC had offered $10 for every pax (and 2.0 and dog) in attendance or $20 if 10 or more showed. At 6:59 it looked like it was going to be just three of us, but then Waffle House The Consistent arrived to save our game (three may be a crowd in romance, but it makes for a poor game of Ultimate). But alas! What's this? Omega and Hot Dog comin' in hot, with Olive hot on their heels! Seven pax means a decent Ultimate game (plus $70 to OST) so let the games begin!

Shortly after the Ultimating commenced, Swing State rolled in and brought the total to 8, and then Wonder Bread and his 2.0 Reed arrived for (sound the trumpets!) TEN PAX! The magic number having been reached, YHC was on the hook for $200, which, added to the take from the previous week, means that Operation Sweet Tooth is $240 sweeter this week thanks to the boys who showed at Bailey Road. Thanks, gents! If just one of you had fartsacked or patronized the competition at Mighty Jungle or something, OST would be out $110! ! !


Soccer parents from Greenville to Huntersville arrived early with their charges, putting a damper on our field options, so we were eventually relegated to a narrow strip of Astroturf in the corner that forced us to tighten up our already narrow game play. But that just kept the action hot and the scoring high. Little Hot Dog was all over the place, defending (inexplicably) the tallest guy on our team (Waffle House), keeping the pressure on all of us and often forcing errors.

Reed showed off his wicked arm as the king of the hail-Mary Frisbee bomb, but eventually found his groove with some sweet connections in the crucial short game–an awesome FNG-1 showing for the big 7-year-old from the Wonder Bread factory.

The final score was something like 13-all, so I'm pretty sure the soccer spectators got a much better show than watching the girls warming up. A plethora of exciting plays and not a single foul made for a very enjoyable Ultimate game and a pretty good workout to boot!


Swing State took us out and some of us went to Waterbean to connect with the Benedict Arnolds who opted for another AO this morning. The coffee house being–and I'm serious about this–out of coffee (again!), discussion about another Saturday meeting place was heard, so be on the lookout for that announcement.

Dad's camp on the 25th, so BRP is converging with Mighty Jungle next Saturday. There should be a good showing for Omaha's Q, so if you're not camping at the Y, you should be tramping in the Jungle (St. Mark's church).

Thanks again to those who helped raise money for a good cause. As Woody Allen says: "Showing up is 80% of life!" (I'm not sure if he said this before or after his step-daughter/wife showed up.)