Ultraman’s got a fever, and the only cure is more kettlebell

16 “Swingers” were present at the #Cauldron this morning with KBs in hand for YHC’s birthday beatdown. Here’s what went down:


Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100)

-Imperial Storm Troopers x20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10

The Thang

Circuit 1:

-KB Overhead press x20 (40)

-KB Bent-over row x20 (40)

-KB Skull crusher x20 (40)

-KB Squats x20 (40)

-KB Swings x20 (20)

-KBe Deadlift x20 (20)

Circuit 2-KB Blackjack:

And then it was the moment that YHC had waited for, as the hand that was about to be dealt. “If you’re gonna play the game, boys, you gotta learn to play it right”. First one to 21 wins the hand and ends the round for all, so OYO:

-20 curls to 1 lbc’s (lap run between)

-19 curls to 2 lbc’s (lap run between)

-18 curls to 3 lbc’s (lap run between)

-17 curls to 4 lbc’s (lap run between)

-16 curls to 5 lbc’s (lap run between)

-15 curls to 6 lbc’s (lap run between)

-14 curls to 7 lbc’s (lap run between)

-13 curls to 8 lbc’s (lap run between)

-12 curls to 9 lbc’s (lap run between)

-11 curls to 10 lbc’s (lap run between)

Mobility Moment

-10 curls to 11 lbc’s (lap run between)

-9 curls to 12 lbc’s (lap run between)

-8 curls to 13 lbc’s (lap run between)

-7 curls to 14 lbc’s (lap run between)

-6 curls to 15 lbc’s (lap run between)

-5 curls to 16 lbc’s (lap run between)

-4 curls to 17 lbc’s (lap run between)

-3 curls to 18 lbc’s (lap run between)

-2 curls to 19 lbc’s (lap run between)

-1 curls to 20 lbc’s (lap run between)

Total of 210 curls and 210 lbc’s if fully completed.

Circuit 3-On your 6:

-‘Mericanators (5 slow holds, 5 diamond; 5 regular; 5 wide) (35)

-KB Chest press x20 (40)

-KB plank transfer/drag/switch x10

-KB Russian Twist x20 (40)

-James Bond Hold x5 (5)

-Windshield wiper x20 (40)

-Low flutter with KB extension x20 (40)

-WWII’s w/KB (yes, you read this right) x20 (40)

-J-Lo (led by Amen) x15 (30)

Recover, Recover


It was great to start my b-day with my F3 brothers in the gloom. Baller took home the Kenny Rogers award by being the first to finish/win the hand of Blackjack. Ultraman was “under the weather” yesterday, but knew that the only cure was more kettlebell, so he showed today for his dose of pain. Toxic brought his lead pipe (just to show off). Tammy Faye and Tuffy got to still do some running at a bootcamp AO. Both are solid dudes and YHC always likes posting with them. Bob Ross helped YHC keep cadence (and always crushes the workout). Out Cold and Ping are both Qing studs now and could’ve easily taken over today, but showed mercy and didn’t. Topgun rolled in this morning in style with his hair blowing in the wind via the convertible. Frogger called an audible when needed to avoid further injury. Glad you still make it a point to show up bro. Talking Heads was waiting to do a real workout like running stairs or something because Firemen are hard chargers. Detox quietly devoured the workout today and could’ve easily done more reps. Titan was Titan as usual. Good to see him at boot camps again. We missed his spirit and it’s back! Amen worked his keg pack ab and also shared the big KB with YHC during Blackjack. Way to push it today bro. You’ve been killing it lately! He also got in some J-Lo so it made for a Good Friday. Frontier was present and accounted for, but had to leave a little early to go hop on a plane for a business meeting (because he apparently has an important job or something). Glad he was able to join us for part of the pain though. Thanks for coming out gents. You made turning 47 a little easier!


-Blackbeard (injury recovery and work)

-Unspoken prayer requests among F3.

-Remember Pax who have aging parents who are struggling with caregiving and/or health issues (Ultraman, The Force, etc.).

-MQ’s need some Q’s for AO’s. Please consider signing up on the calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before, we will help Co-Q, so don’t be intimidated by it. You can do it! Just let us know and ask.


Until next time…

Toby out (for a Fiero Friday b-day cruise)

(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)