Unabomer Style – blow things up then run

Event Date

Jul 13, 2019

11 men braved the humidity for a little fun.  FNG-1 is newly name Catfish, son of ItTakes2, pitcher and rising freshman at Montreat (boy has some hair and can throw >85mph).

Disclaimer given after some comments about the Q being an FNG

Warm Up


Mountain Climber

 Mosey around the parking lot 2x to shake out the legs


Mosey to field for some work.  One PAX gets to push Clark's sled down ~50yds and back and serves as the timer.  Other PAX rotate between AMRAP pull-ups, merkins and LBC for each down/back until all PAX have had a turn on the sled.  

Mosey to block pile & grab a block – time to blow up:

Curls – inches style – 24 reps then plank on the block for 30 seconds

Rows – 20 IC – plank on block 30 seconds

Skull crushers – 20 IC – plank on block 30 seconds

Front Delt Raises w block – 15 IC – plank on block 30 seconds

Shoulder press – 15 IC – plank on block 30 seconds

Split Merkins – one hand on block – 10 each side – plank on block 30 seconds

Time check – 7:47 – time to run – laps around school/parking lot


Flutterkicks – 20 IC

Reverse crunch – 20 IC

Elbow to knee – right – 15 / switch for 15

Sonar's Dr. W's (a really long 10)


1 Timothy 6:6-7 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

The challenge of fathers/husbands/men/athletes; achieving a balance of striving for excellence, yet through the process being content with who you are.  That means being content in who you are in Christ.  Your performance does not change who you are in the eyes of your Lord.  (Psalm 139: 16-17) 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! 

It was good to be back out with the crew.  A sure sign that it has been longer than i thought was when the "new guys" that I was the "new guys".  It was good to meet IT2 and his son as well as Lumberjack and Flip.  Spork was gracious enough to let me take the Q.  Tried to get some run time in for him.

That sled turned out to be more of an obstacle that it seemed on paper.  Thanks again to Clark for building that thing – it is awesome.  Most did ok with the 50yds out – but coming back was a different story!

Humidity was a billion percent – looked like we got rained on by the time we were done.

Always an honor to lead.