16 PAX (WOW!) (Can't find Quiet Riot or Uconn on the website for the BB) came out on a warm and humid Wednesday Morning to go see Avengers Endgame, but had to settle for a beatdown.

The following beatdown was meant to honor and remember those affected by the tragic events of last night at UNCC.

The Standard:

YHC was left alone for an easy 2.2 mile standard, must not be a lot of runners in this group??


Disclaimer made with an update of how today's beatdown was to be run.

Due to the tragic shooting yesterday at UNC Charlotte, I thought that we would dedicate this mornings beatdown in rememberance of those who lost their lives, and for all of those that were affected by the shooting. Given that they are the Charlotte 49er's we would be doing 49 reps of each exercise.

  • Mosey to fountain in middle of Birkdale and then back to fountain in front of movie theater.
  • SSH
  • IST (10 Reps)
  • Toy Soldier (10 Reps)
  • All in cadence

The Thang:

  • At fountain in front 
    • Dips (on my down)
      • We found out very quickly that doing 49 reps straight is extremely difficult so adjustments needed to be made
    • Incline Merican (25 reps on my down)
    • Squat (25 reps on my down)
    • Incline Merican (24 reps on my down)
    • Squat (25 reps on my down)
  • Mosey to Chipotle dumpsters to pick up blocks
    • PAX were well organized and circled up all on their own! Unfortunately we were not staying there.
  • Zamperini/Curl walk to the parking deck ramp behind Total Wine
    • Run up and down ramp -> 10 Reps of exercise
    • Repeat 5 times (5th set only do 9 reps to get to 49)
      • 1st exercise: Curl
      • 2nd exercise: Shoulder Press
      • 3rd exercise: Partner block pass (we need a name for this if there isn't one already, leave below in comments)
  • Zamperini/Curl walk back to chipotle to return blocks
  • Mosey back to Movie Theater fountain for Mary


  • 24 reps IC + 1 OYO to get to 49
  • LBC
  • Low Flutter
  • Rosalita
  • Shoulder Touch Merican (Courtesy of Snake Eyes 15 Reps)
  • 49 Second Plank

Recover Recover


  • Be on the lookout for a fundraiser comedy night at Galloway Hooker to support ALS research
  • F3 Dads Workout this Saturday at Mighty Jungle
  • Pray for former colleague of Deep Dish who recently lost her job and her son drowned this past weekend on a boating accident.
  • Pray for the 2 who lost their lives yesterday at UNCC and for all those that were injured and for those that had to endure the traumatic event.
  • Reach out to someone each and every day especially during times like now. Someone may look like they are doing okay on the outside, but could be struggling on the inside. Something simple like "hey how are things going?" can really change someone's outlook.


  • Cousin Eddie making sure were on the right count all morning
    • Hippie said we need to watch our volume in the future
  • Quiet Riot (Can't find him on the website yet) has lost over 40 pounds since Christmas, way to go brother!
  • Congrats to all those at Hollywood this morning, huge number at today's workout and everyone jumped on board for dedicating our workout to the victims of last night.

Mr. Holland
