Uncle Pierogi’s Peppered Angus Jamboree

17, yes you read that correctly, one – seven of #RaceCity’s finest rolled out their finest mattresses to receive their very own boy-king of Isotope, JollyRoger. Due to conflicts, the good nantan was unable to make it for his Q (or surprise inspection due to the recent unsavory feedback rolling down off the hill).

YHC answered the call from the bullpen, and didn’t say about the substitution until I bellowed”1 MINUTE!” The pax knew I cared about their fitness. They were about to find out just how much….

i'm here to kickass and chew bubblegum. and i'm all out of bubblegum

I have come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And, I’m all out of bubble gum.




?All exercises done IC unless noted.

  • Slowsy around the bigtop parking lot
  • SSH x 76
  • IST x 10
  • Soybean farmes x 10
  • Mtn Climbers x 16
  • Peter parkers x 16
  • Squats x 10 (Crack was bored and grabbed his KB. Time for us to get started.)

Some Stank on your Thang-low

  • Shoulder press
  • Zamparini
  • Shrug – single arm
  • Upright row
  • Front raise
  • Single leg deadlifts
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Slowsy around the bigtop parking lot, return, retrieve KBs and head over to the checkered flag for some racin’!

Partner up with similarly weighted KB partner.

  • P1: take both KBs in farmer carry fashion and begin shuffling around grassy knoll
  • P2: 25 SC Flutter kicks then chase down P1
  • Flapjack, rinse, repeat until all the way around
  • Plank when finished
  • J-Los x 15
  • CDD x 15

Repeato with a twist, instead of farmer carries, one hand in straight arm waiter carries, other hand in farmer carry. Alternate as necessary to ensure maximum peppering.

  • Plank when finished
  • Pickle pounders x 15
  • Monkey humpers x 15

Return to the bigtop.

Mary was the case that they gave me

  • Single leg low dolly (left leg) x 15
  • Single leg rosalita (left leg) x 15
  • Flapjack for right side
  • Flutter kicks until 0615 ~30ish

Recover, recover

Moley moley MOLLLEEEEE skin

  1. Prayers up for Jolly’s grandmother and his family.
  2. 5 #Rucktards hit the bricks at 0430 – Nymph, Deepend, Bigmean, Manhands and YHC. Cupcake didn’t note the tweets, slack messages, DMs, emails, carrier pigeons and smoke signals, so arrived at 0445 for a sadclown ruck.
  3. The exercises were selected from last month’s smoke show as the men of HTL pepper their angus with some shoulder work. The quick counts and lack of breaks in between really got the ol ticker going too.
  4. YHC lost some semblance of control at the start of Lap 2 with, “ALRIGHT EVERYBODY SHUTUP!” This plea was met with some hooting and hollering as some faux-incognitians appreciated the rochambeau they thought they had brought. Newsflash – tough to derail this pain train CHOO CHOO MOTHERFKCER and we were off on lap deux.
  5. Tclaps to Butterstick and Drive-by becoming a regular showing in the #TruckCity proper. Glad to have you men with us. 
  6. Those few PAX not partaking in the Asheville men’s retreat are auto-HC’d into the F3 Superbowl – USMC MudRun April 30th. Deadline for entry is 3/18 #DOIT.
  7. Today’s workout hurt me much more than it hurt you as I was sufficiently and summarily KMOA’d. You’re welcome, America.

Always my pleasure to lead you fine indviduals.
