Uncle Rico hits 11 Blenders back to back

It's been too long since YHC posted a backblast, it's time that changed! 12 PAX posted for the beatdown and 5 for the standard on a particulalry moiste morning in Lake Norman. Someone commented that it was good hydration for our lungs, scientists are still out on the validity of that statement. 


SSH, Ground Dwelling Vegitable Pickers, Toy Soldiers, and IST all IC

The Thang:

Partner up with someone with a similar size kettlebell. 

3x Rounds, each round consiting of a kettelbell exercise AMRAP till the other partner returns:

3x Swings/200m run

10 Muricans IC

3x Deadlift/50m lunge, sprint back

Hot lap around the island

3x Shoulder Press/50m Bear Crawl, sprint back

Hot lap

**The rounds were reduced to two for the sake of time**

2x Sumo Deadlift Highpull/ 200m Run

Hot Lap

2x Goblet Squat/ 25m lunge, sprint the rest of the way and sprint back

Hot Lap

2x Kettelbell Burpees/50m Bear Crawl, sprint back


Kettelbell seated partner passes. YHC called this one early as it turns out he and Uncle Rico are painfully unflexible. The other PAX seemed to do well with it though. 

10x Crunchy Frog IC

Zamporini back to the cars with 1m remaining. 



It's great to be back out at the Blender, for a while my schedule didn't permit me to venture that far from home. The GCC parking breeds warriors. Thanks to TBC for the opportunity to Q. 

– Good turnout considering how nasty the weather was this morning, hopefully everyone made it to work safely in the fog. 

– Red October and Cajun Cowboy opted for an extended standard, it takes a man to keep pushing when everyone one else is heading back. Good on you!

– If it wasn't for Tuck telling a bit of his story at his VQ last week I would have sworn he had been posting for a while, he is fast. Keep it up and one day you will be the man/athlete we all strive to be, Walt Mizzelle Bunyan. 

– Jedi and Red October finished each lap first AFAIK, I was to tired to have much situational awareness. 


"Never Above You, Never Below You, Always Beside You"

