Under Cover

Event Date

Dec 15, 2022


3 for Cobalt this morning. Pax decided to keep dry under cover at Q’s garage to avoid the rain and 35 degree temps. Felt like a good decision when we made it and still feels good afterwards.

Main Event

4X through the following: 

  1. Bench Press: 135 – 185 lbs / varying reps depending on weight
  2. Reverse Grip Curl: 35 lb plate X 10 reps
  3. Chest Flies on flat bench: 30 – 35 lb dumbbells X 10+ reps
  4. Pinch Press on flat bench: 50 lb + dumbbell X 10+ reps 
  5. Dips on Power Tower X 10 reps
  6. Abs on Power Tower X 10+ reps (leg raises / knee raises / etc)
  7. Skull Crushers: 35 lb kettlebell X 10+ reps
  8. Players Choice: 60 lb bag, kettlebell, 15 lb dumbbells


  • Good to have Q and Germanator back in action. Germanator been busy traveling for work. Q was sick (again). 
  • Holiday season is upon us. Lots of talk of prep and holiday parties. Plans for the break. Germantor heading to beach after spending quality time with in-laws. Q in same boat minus the beach part of it. Still hoping to get an invite from Schwinn to spend some time at one of his many properties but not looking good at this point.
  • Palmetto 200 team is rounding out and potentially expanding. Pinky running a tight ship. 10 runners so far, 2 vans rented. Texts flying. Some good back and forth. High expectations for Surf as the youngest on the team. 
  • Solid work fellas. Great to be back in action after almost a week off.