Under The Lights – Cinder Blocks and Paying Tribute to STP Lead Singer…?

11 (including a 2nd post FNG) and YHC hunkered down in the woods today at Samson.  Lego fixed the lights in the woods this week, so my lanterns were not needed today.  Nice work Lego – this is now an even better AO because of your efforts.  Next up – a sound system so I don't need to bring my suitcase speaker?  

We smoked our bodies today with a bunch of Cinder Block exercises today, and dropped in one rotation with some sandbag squats.  Someone even broke one of the parallel bars today (easy fix) so we were working it today boys!  I thought "my" FNG was the culprit, but apparently not.  



  • Mosey around lot
  • Grass      
    • SSH X 20IC, IST X 10IC
    • Plank X 3:00 minutes (this will get the arms / chest warmed up)

The Thang – To The Woods We Go…and with Stone Temple Pilots cranking in the background, IC counts are off below perhaps, but doesn't matter, we got smoked!  Breaks between sets were limited 🙂 

  • Cinder Blocks
    • Curls X 15 IC
    • CB Swings X 15 IC
    • Lawnmowers X 10 IC / arm
    • Repeato
  • Abs
    • Freddie Mercuries – a bunch IC
    • Parker Peters – a bunch IC
    • Flutter Kicks – a bunch IC
  • Parallel Bars / Sandbags
    • ½ Pax – Australian Pull Ups X 10 IC
    • ½ Pax – Sandbag Squats X 10 IC
    • Repeato
  • Blocks – Louis Z's for approximately 2 minutes (right arm fell asleep)
  • Abs
    • Big Baby Crunches (sort of – did a rendtion of them (disc in back needed support today)
    • Touch Dem Heels (done right, these will kill the upper abs)
  • Blocks
    • Shoulder Press / Squats X 15 IC
    • Chest Press X 25 IC (might have been 30)
    • Overhead Lat Pullovers X 15 IC
    • Skull Crushers X 15 IC
    • Shoulder Press / Squats X 15 IC
    • Curls X 20 IC #smoked
  • Mary – W's (led by Jedi) and LBCs (Cyclone)
  • Recover Recover #armssmoked

A "non-cardio" workout today that tested everyone's muscle strength, and I can attest – everyone is strong and now even stronger!  Great work by the Pax today.


  • FNG (Once known as Drew, now known as "Limburger") made it on time today, 0525, and stated he was a little sore from yesterday's first workout.  Oh…it starts hurting day 3…just wait!  "Limburger" you ask? – the smelliest cheese known to man – literally smells like sweaty feet (or balls if you really want to know how it smells).  He's from WI (a fellow Wisconsinite / Packer Fan), blew out the Pax on day one at The Mighty Oak (even Toxic was taken back), so a guy from WI who can drop some bombs…well, Limburger it is.  Nice work yesterday and today!  Come to find out Hasslehoff is Limburger's neighbor so a Clown Car is in order…as there's another 3 guys as well that do this crazy F3 thang…
  • I think it was Lawn Dart that started off the workout, as we did the Mosey around the lot……"I didn't know this was a running workout, cause I saw pictures posted on twitter with Monkey Bars, Cinderblocks…."  Well, the run ended quickly where we settled in for a quick warm up, which included a 3 minute plank. Unexpected by the Pax.  Great for the core – and it needed to be tight for the Cinder Blocks that were waiting.
  • A good amount of chatter today, but to be expected when you are in a circle for nearly the entire workout.  Good bonding time.  I got to zone some of it out because i was right next to the speaker, where we paid tribute to STP's Scott Weiland with a lot of STP, other Grunge…and some AC/DC, the best non-original rendition of Simple Man (Rock Version) by Shinedown.  Download it today!  Also had some of The Black Keys, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.  Decided to also play "Turn Down For What" which is a Carolina Panthers song (I have to support them going undefeated so far) but what i quickly realized, as did others including Monkey Nut, is that song is flat our annoying after 1:30 minutes in.  No problem – next button and onto a little "Plush" from STP.
  • Gray Ghost has a bum achilles and said to me on Twitter on Tuesday, "hey, if there's not much running, I'll HC to Samson – done!  BTW – if you haven't run with Gray Ghost…well, you might not think you have, but you have…you just can't see him cause he's so far ahead of everyone else.  No running whatsoever today to help a brother out who still grinds it out when hurt.  All muscle today for the Pax today – and you and your significant other will thank me over the weekend.  
  • Announcements – Sign Up for Q School (December 19th), and if you haven't Q'd – well you need to!  It's an amazing experience!
  • Thanks for the Q Jedi – this place is amazing!
  • And finally and on a personal note – the paying tribute to Scott Weiland was purposeful and actually has some meaning behind it.  If you know anything about him, well…he struggled with addictions (chemical / drug).  And while not surprising that his path of life ended due to addictions, this problem is often times misunderstood by many.  There are more people than we realize that struggle with addictions of this nature, and unfortunately my father was one of them.  9 years ago this month, my father passed away after alcohol got the best of him.  Literally killed him!  As hard as it was to understand how that could be possible back then, i know now after better understanding it after going through this with my own father, that it needs to be taken more seriously!  And while I don't have the same tendancies, well, there are folks like Scott Weiland and others who need support.  Remember, F3 is not just a "Workout" but rather a place and time to build relationships with your fellow husbands and dads, and frankly, some of them need your support for many reasons (certainly beyond addictions as well)!.  And while you may not know their issues, and that's okay, know that you can make a difference in ones life whether you think you can or not.  We are all human, and not perfect…so go find someone out there that may need a pick me up in life.  In the end, you could save their life….literally!  
