Unexpected Sprinkling

Thanks for the keys to the Cauldron Hot Wax. I planned ahead for this Q, and nearly forgot a pre-blast, that Isotope would ignore. Oh well, thanks again Hot Wax for the re-tweet, re-“X”. Expecting a big crowd to fill out all my stations I rolled into an empty parking lot. Undeterred I mosey to the top of the garage to set up. Back on the ground, the PAX started to appear out of the gloom. 9 is enough, 5:30 let’s mosey.


Zamperini with your bell up the ramp to stairwell. Drop your bell, down the stairs one level and run back up the ramp to your bell. Pick it up and Zamperini up the ramps to the next level, drop your bell and repeat this pattern until we arrive at the top.


  • SSH x25
  • Slippery Dip Can x10
  • Windmill x10
  • Imperial Storm Troopers x10
  • Toy Soliders (Regular or Force-Style) x10


Split up into 4 groups and spread out to 4 stations. Stations 1-3 featured a KB exercise, Station 4 descended and ascended the stairs, which served as our timer for each station. Once each group completed all 4 stations, we moved to the next round. 4 rounds total. We got it in, collected our gear and headed back to the ground for MARY.


I called some LBC’s and then passed it around the circle. Amen opted for Homer to Marge rather than J-Lo this morning.

Recover Recover



  • Christmas party on 12/1 at 7:30pm at 760 Craftworks in downtown Huntersville
  • Gently used Children’s book donations are being received by Master Q’s when you post
  • The Cauldron needs Q’s


  • The Force: Prayers for the family of JoJo, a young man from his previous church who died in a hiking accident.
  • The Force: Praise for his mother who finished her 25th round of chemo and prayers for a great experience as his parents travel overseas on vacation.  
  • Prayers for the Gurley family, mother and 3 children were involved in a traffic accident that took the life of the youngest daughter. Mother was 7 months pregnant and went into labor, thankfully the baby was delivered and doing good.


Great PAX this morning. Everyone gave maximum effort. See you back out there!
Bob Ross