Unwritten Rules Are Made To Be Broken In Da Gloom

Event Date

Nov 16, 2018

I received the invite several weeks ago to come guest Q at School Bellz as an opportunity to thank the Pax for their contribution for the Operation Sweet Tooth School supply drive and also give them a taste of what the other side of the lake can bring.  The schedule didn't fit then but was perfect for today.  It was a balmy 32 degrees outside and YHC was thankful the roads were not frozen over.  I arrived early to get the lay of the land in the lot next to the football field.  Low and behold the lot was somewhat of a hill.  Perfect.  Several cars were there as the Pax were running a standard.  I planted the OST shovel flag…hopped back in the car and kept warm until it got closer to game time.  Two more cars arrived and I new it was just about that time so I grabbed my bell, met with Hefty and waited.  It was 529am and the boys were still doing the #Standard.  I snarkly yelled out that it was one minute.  I guess when you travel to different AO's, you learn a few things.  At Shool Bellz…miles are more important than minutes as we started off late. 

Once all had arrived I gave a quick introduction and #disclaimer.  We said the Pledge of Allegiance and started putting in the work.

Warm O Rama-

Lap around the parking lot mixing in high knees, butt kickers, Karioke and head back to the bells.

Bells overhead to the middle of the lot and circle up.

SSHx 16 IC (Tribute to Mom's bday in Heaven)

Cotton Pickers x10 IC

IST x10 IC

WindMill x10 IC

Merkins x10 IC  (At this point it was noted that the Pax were so happy they didn't have to use this bell they brought…

Burpees x10 OYO


The Thang:

Partner up…size of your bells does matter.  These Pax were able to do this flawlessly, too bad Man Maker folks are too busy comparing their bell size.

Partner 1- Run up the hill to the end of the lot and back.  Partner 2 does the exercises  Flapjack.  Rinse and Repeato…Up to total and carry on to next to we say Hello Dora!


100 Swings

200 Shoulder Press

300 Curls

Plank it out…help the Six with their reps

Repeato with different exercises- 

100 Skull Crushers

200 Chest Press

300 Squats



LBC's x20 IC

Recover Recover


Frozen Moleskin:

I do have to say that traveling to different AOs is one of the things I love about F3.  Getting to make new connections, putting faces with the twitter names and avatars and just seeing how although the same, each region has their own spin on things.  And as we were running our laps…there was many a comment about the fact that there was an "awful lot of running".  Strange because it is my workout and I hate running but also, the unwritten rule is no more than a half mile during a School Bellz get together.  Sorry not sorry…that's why half did the standard.  #Confused

When I Q'd this workout a few weeks ago it sucked…and I was sore for days.  That's when I knew I had to share the love and pay it forward.  You are welcome.

Comments like "this sucks"  "I won't be able to use my arms later" and "That's BS" nearly brought a tear to my eye…but it froze.

All of us put in the work today and there was no quit and all fight.  Great job men. It was an honor to meet and lead you today.

YHC took us out.

Denver hosting the Lake Norman Turkey Bowl- will help spread the word

LKN hosting Black Friday convergence with beer and or coffee afterwards

YHC thanked the Pax for the support during the school supply drive and as talking about the toy drive, I was greated with bags and gags of toys.  Not expecting that at all. What a welcome surprise and truly greateful for the support…and for those dressed in black walking around Walmart at 4am!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Live life.  Own Every Second.  Never Take Anything For Granted!


Humbled and Honored-
