Up/Downs with a Merican

Not named in PAX List: Rocker, FNG Mark Nelson

On a brisk windy morning at the GCC campus, 13 strong men including a FNG showed for a promised "No Burpee" Firestone work-out. YHC delivered……..Kinda…..

Lap around parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, carioca, and backwards run

Circle up:

  • SSH X 20
  • Windmill X 20
  • Peter Parker X 10
  • Mountain Climber X 10

Grab kettle bells and mosey to front left corner of the church.

The meat:

  • Start with 10 up/downs with a Merican
  • Mosey with Bell to front right corner and do 25 KB Swings
  • Sprint back to front left corner for 10 up/downs with Mericans
  • Sprint back to bell and mosey with bell to the back right corner for 25 KB Swings and 25 KB squat press.
  • Run back to beginning for 10 up/downs with a Merican
  • Sprint back to bell and mosey with bell to the back left corner for 25 KB Swings, 25 Squat Press, 25 curls.
  • Run back to beginning for 10 up/downs with a Merican
  • Run back to KB and mosey with KB to where it all began for 25 swings, 24 squat press, 25 curls, and 25 goblet squats.

LBC X 20

The patatos:

Drop bells in front of church and mosey to parking lot for suicides.

  • Sprint to light pole and trees. 4 total. Add 5 diamond merkins per sprint for a total of 20 at the end.
  • Rinse and repeat with Carolina Dry Docks.

The Dessert:

  • WWII sit-ups X 20 (single count)
  • J-Slo X 15
  • Superman hold X 2 minutes (Springfield)
  • Innapropriate joke X 1 (Bam Bam)

Exercise Count:

  • Up/Downs with a Merican = 40
  • KB Swings = 100
  • KB Squat Press = 75
  • KB Curls = 50
  • KB Goblet squat = 25
  • Diamond Mericans = 50
  • Carolina Dry Dock = 50
  • Whole lot of running



  • Thank you Bam Bam for the opportunity to go back to the mother land for a Q. The last time you were a PAX at YHC's Q, you were in a dirty Santa outfit.
  • Welcome to FNG Mark Nelson! He was clear that Bam Bam pestered him for a year before he decided to come. It appears that 100 KB swings, 75 KB presses along with dry docks did wonders for his bum shoulder. Great job this morning!
  • The YHC promised no Burpees and being a man of integrity, I followed through. The fact that up/downs with a Merican were simalar to Burpees was purely a coincidence.
  • 8-track was first by a long shot for our trip around the church. He crushed it. everyone worked hard today!
  • Po on the other hand was struggling this morning. He was using a 30lb KB which I am pretty sure is 50% of his body weight so understandable.
  • Caboose proclaimed yesterday after Madsci that he was not coming to Dragonslayer because of YHC's tendancy for a rediculous amount of Burpees. YHC promised caboose no burpees to get him to post. Your welcome Caboose.

Keep Olive and his family in your prayers as it sounds like he lost another family member which is the last thing he needs. Don't forget the Dallas roast tomorrow night at 7PM. Check twitter for more details. It was a privledge gentlemen!