Uphill the Whole Way

Event Date

Mar 02, 2017


5K Ruck on this chilly morning

Temperatures dropped and ready to get moving to warm up.

Partner up and let's ruck … Hopefully for those that didn't make it you found your way to SVU

circle back for 2nd headlamp whoops

Hefty – "Mapped out the run hope I don't get us lost"

easy start to the route but only went uphill from there … lots of big up hills to navigate

@ mile markers

10 irkins

20 sqauts

30 overhead ruck presses

A dicey moment when what appearred to be a large German Sheppard didn't like our trespassing in his cul-de-sac #ohcrap

Hefty gave the option of returning along same path or heading west on 73, I chose wrong … steady incline the whole way with cars steadily heading towards us

Returned to launchpad to a car with sign up top, someone order pizza? Turns out was a drivers education car, glad we are finished  

Good stuff this morning