Upper Body Day

A few PAX put in some prework running #Standard



-Mosey around the school to the block pile

-Grab a block and head to the pull up bar

-3 Sets of 10 pull ups holding people’s chair in between

-Mosey to hill by baseball field

-Curls, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-Shoulder presses, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-WWIs w/ block, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-Skull Crushers, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-Milk Jugs, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-Block Swings, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-Decline Merkins, run to bottom of hill sprint back up

-Repeato as time allowed

-Return blocks



-It was colder than most expected. We all felt betrayed by the weatherman.

-60 curls was the perfect amount to get the PAX really complaining.

-Never knew you could lay down horizontally while doing a pullup but somehow sonar managed to do so.

-Mater once again takes an adult conversation way too far. I think we have a new Clark.

-Half the PAX hid out of site during the block work so the Q couldn’t chastise them as easily.
