Upper body kettlebell beat down at playground

Miracle not listed, total of 11, and only 1 (soprano) for standard

Warm up:

1 lap around parking lot, SSH 15x, IST 15x, Cotton picker 15x, Apollo ohno 20, alternating jump lunges 20, burpees 15

The Thang:

Carry KB to playground

low curl 10x, high curl 10x, full curl 10x, skull crusher 15x, dips 15x, shoulder press 15x, scorpion dry dock 20x, pull ups 15, squats, lawn mower 15x per arm, burpees 15 (repeat for 3 rounds, a few less reps on the 3rd round)

Carry KB back to homebase


Burpees 10

WWII sit up (soprano),  Peter Parker (easy), pretzel crunch (cousin Eddie), bicycle (ninja turtle),  ? (dr Seuss) ? (hat trick), 1 leg off ground with crunch (the force), sorry i did not remember all of the Mary exercises and counts


I decided to take the Q, since I did not feel like doing Soprano’s 100 SSH.

The Force did not like burpees as a warm up exercise, he would prefer Soprano 100 SSH

Hat Trick and few others were on a really squeaky bench for dips so needed to switch to another bench for 2nd and 3rd round.

Uncle Rico was our WebMD giving Hat Trick advice on his poison ivy.

The PAX thought I skipped last round of burpees but I saved it for 1st Mary exercise.

Great seeing my brother Easy at a workout outside of Davidson

Thanks to PAX that assisted with MARY.

Uncle Rico thanks for taking us out in prayer.