Upper Body Matters

LaBon's 2.0 (Skywalker) was also in attendance but is not registered on the Isotope website.

In the midst of the Blue Ridge Relay training season, running is happening plenty before and after boot camps so your humble correspondent (YHC) decided that after today's 10k run at 5am, a good old fashioned upper body beatdown would be issued.

Wingman was the only one who dared to complete the triple down today (River Rat 10k, Excelsior 3.6mi & The Estate) although Turnpike did the first two and just kept running during The Estate (he is training for a marathon…run Forest, run!)

Here's how it went down:


Pledge of Allegiance facing the Stars and Stripes

Side Straddle Hop x 20 in-cadence (IC)

Imperial Storm Trooper x 20 IC

Toy Soldier x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Seal Clap x 25 IC



Mosey to Brickyard and bring a big boy block to the parking lot

Low Curl x 10 , Round 2×10 IC

High Curl x 10,  Round 2x10 IC

Full Curl x 10,  Round 2x10 IC

Tricep Extensions x 10,  Round 2 x 5 IC

Shoulder Press x 10,  Round 2 x 5 IC

8 Count Bodybuilder (or "The Burner"),  Round 2 x 5 IC

Repeato – see Round 2 counts above

Leave blocks out for end of the workout


Indian Run (sort of) to Bus Lot

Partner Rows on pull up bars x10, Repeato

Partner A/B – Pull-ups (single count) / Push-ups (IC) – 4 rounds – 8,6,4,2


Mosey to Smokers Lounge

Partner A/B – balls to wall, dips on picninc tables

Repeato x 3 (20,15,10 dips)


Mosey to Loading Dock

Apollo Ono x 20 IC

Jabawockeez x 20 IC

Partner A/B – 2x over wall (elbow plank as an alternative), Peoples Chair – flip flop, repeato

Protractor – feet on the wall at 15,60,90,60,15 degree angles (15 seconds each position) repeato


Mosey to Bathroom Area

Partner A/B – Box Jumps on picnic tables x10, Dry Docks x 10, flip-flop & repeato


Mosey back to where we left the big boy blocks

Overhead hold for 30 seconds

Overhead hold for 45 seconds

Overhead hold for 60 seconds



  • Peter Parker x 15 IC
  • Parker Peter x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Touch ‘Merican x15 IC


re-deposit big boy blocks in the Brickyard



  • Even though YHC has designation of Master Q at The Estate, it's been a while since YHC has actually had the Q since so many pax have been willing to lead.  9-Lives was at his best pointing out all of the rust in my directing.  This is known as incognating the Q – it's all part of the experience and is the "spice" of a workout.
  • Starkist has the Q next week as the criteria was that next week's Q either scored an A- or better on the Q-school exam or went to Babson College.  He has not gone to Q-school but he met the second criteria – next week will be interesting…
  • Elmer's cleared the playground and COT a result of his pizza/beer dinner last night. Someone should check on him today to make sure he is ok…
  • Either T-Bone read my Weinke or he has telepathic powers as he called many of the next exercises that I had planned before I called them out – scary, dude.
  • Amazing work by Wingman today with the triple down.  We almost lost him to injury after a missed attempt on the first box jump that led to quite a bang on the shin.  He is forgiven as he was over 2 1/2 hours into his workout.  He shook it off and joined for the end of the workout.
  • There were a couple of workers at the loading dock waiting to get into the school to refinish the gym floor.  It would be interesting to know what they thought of the Apollo Ono's and Jabawockeez.  They were informed of the weekly workout as we left the area but seemed to be indifferent to the valuable information they were handed.  Oh well.
  • The Estate has been my F3 "home court" for 3 years now and it's great to see the guys who started it still attending regularly.  In attendance today that were at my first F3 workout at The Estate – Freedom, Snake Eyes, 9-Lives, Sponge Bob, Black Eyed Pea.  You guys demonstrated the power of this amazing thing called F3 and I am forever grateful.  It is my duty to pay it forward.

The Professor