Ups and Downs

Event Date

Oct 05, 2023


6 at Cobalt for a pleasant morning. FNG-1 is Mike Meyer. First workout for Mike – few of us were applying some pressure for him to come out. 


Q was late due to E-2 issue but Surf stepped in to lead the typical stuff. 

Main Event

Launch from clubhouse entrance at stop sign. Run up the hill to the cul de sac on left and run up to the top of that. Stop at every mailbox (6) along the way for called exercise. Alternated between pacing together for a set then AYG OYO for a set. 6X through.

1 – alternate between 10 X merkins, 10 X leg lifts at boxes

2 – 10 X merkins, 10 X box cutters

3 – 10 X merkins, 10 X crunchy frog

4 – 10 X CDD, 10 X LBC

5 – 10 X CDD, 10 X American Hammer

6 – Sprint AYG to top of hill – no mailbox stops. 15 X merkins, 15 X LBC, 15 X merkins, 15 X LBC at top of hill. Run back down

2 mins left. 20 X burpees OYO, 20 X merkins OYO. All she wrote. Not great feedback on the ending. 

~2.5 miles running


  • Great to have Mike join us. We’ll get him named next workout. Already some great options circulating during the workout. Nice work man. Look forward to the next one.
  • Lots of good chatter. Out of time here, so can’t replay for those of you who were sleeping.
  • Lots to be thankful for and prayed for several that in need. Well done fellas.