36 difference makers cashed in on a cool crisp Saturday morning and capitalized on a #VIP (very intense pain) only workout. Rumor around F3Isotope is TPRD is always a VIP workout served with wine, cheese, and plenty of stretching.  We welcome everyone, (including FNG Jeff Bueller, (SAMSUNG) works with Lithium batteries…too easy), to experience the pleasantries that we have come to embrace and enjoy.  If you call Davidson your home AO, your game can travel 😉


Warm-Up: The Green

All exercises IC – 25 SSH, 20 Mt. Climbers, 15 Squats, 10 Merkins, 25 SSH, 5 Burpees 


The Thang: Mosey over behind Summit

25 Single leg step-ups, 20 Mary Catherines, 15 Squats (all IC)

Rinse and Repeat X2


COP: Mosey to DUMC, grab a block and two bricks

Round 1: Shoulder Press (block) X12 IC  – Mt. Climbers X10 IC

Lateral Raises (bricks) X12 IC   –   Mt. Climbers X10 IC

Frontal Raises (bricks) X12 IC   –   Mt. Climbers X10 IC

RINSE AND REPEAT X2 (plank jacks second set)  Lots and lots of mumble chatter here!!


Round 2:  Bent over Row (block) X12 IC   –   Merkin on the Block X5 IC

Chest Press (block) X12 IC   –   Merkin on the Block X5 IC

Bent over Row (block) X12 IC   –   Merkin on the Block X5 IC

Chest Press (block) X12 IC   –   Merkin on the Block X5 IC

Bent over Row (block) X12 IC   –   Merkin on the Block X5 IC

Chest Press (block) X12 IC   –   Merkin on the Block X5 IC


Round 3: (GUNS .45's)  all with Blocks

Half-curls (bottom to half-up) X15 straight count

Half-curls (top to half-down) X 15 straight count

Full Curls X15 IC   Crowd Pleaser….mumble chatter literally silient at this point

Skull Crusher x15 IC



Mosey to LKN:  (split into two groups)

Group 1:  Pull-up bars  X10

Group 2:  Dips  X25   Check that…..X45 (Serta had trouble understanding YHC's East TN accent and suggested 45, which I was happy to oblige. 

As groups pass to switch stations (5 Burpees OYO)

Rinse and Repeat X2-  then circle up for recovery "teaser" Mary: (Seated Tuck X15 IC, Hello Dolly, X15 IC, Pickle Pounder X15 IC)  –  Duvall was utilizing a 12 inch stroke for the pickle pounder and it was noted he only had a 6 inch pipe.

MOSEY: Quick trip down to soccer field for X5 rounds of the following:

–  5 Merkins at the bottom of hill

–  Quadraphilla backwards up hill for 15 squats

–  Bearcrawl down hill  (5 rounds total)


Hustle back to the GREEN for final Mary:

LBC X25 IC and Low Flutter X50 IC (tanks emptied)


Naked Moleskin:

It was great to be back in TPRD after what felt like months of training for BRR and the Bourbon Chase.  YHC needed to firm up his soccer arms after all the running…today should help!  If you're not registered on F3Isotope, you need to knock that out.  If you don't see your name listed above, there's a hint to do that.  Always a honor to lead you guys. You make me a better man and hold me accountable…thank you!